共 9 个单词
乔布斯2005年在斯坦福大学的演讲相关的的单词有【Looking forward】【get fired】【falling out】【serif】【Macintosh】【clear out】【button up】【endoscope】【typeface】等。
Looking forward释义展望未来;英英释义 Looking ForwardLooking Forward is an anthology of science fiction stories edited b...
详细解释get fired释义砸饭碗;英英释义 Get FiredGet Fired is the debut album by the Chicago-based pop punk band the Smoking Popes...
详细解释falling out释义[医]虚脱;英英释义 falling out n.a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)同义词:ru...
详细解释serifn.衬线,截线(衬线指的是字体起始末端的细节装饰);衬线体;英英释义 serif[ 'serif ]n.a short line at the end of the ...
详细解释clear out释义清除;(使)离开;洗劫一空;离家英英释义 clear out v.move out and leave nothing behindclear out the chest a...
详细解释button up释义扣紧;顺利完成;英英释义 button up v.refuse to talk or stop talking; fall silent同义词:close upclam updumm...
详细解释endoscopen.内窥镜;英英释义 endoscope[ 'endskup ]n.a long slender medical instrument for examining the interior of a bod...