共 102 个单词
tigrisn.底格里斯河(西南亚,流经土耳其和伊拉克);英英释义 tigris[ 'taigris ]n.an Asian river; a tributary of the Euphra...
详细解释signagen.标记; 标识系统;英英释义 signage[ 'sainid ]n.signs collectively (especially commercial signs or posters)"there...
详细解释augmentedadj.增音的,扩张的;英英释义 augmented[ :'mentid ]adj.added to or made greater in amount or number or strength"...
详细解释panpipe释义排箫;英英释义 panpipe[ 'pnpaip ]n.a primitive wind instrument consisting of several parallel pipes bound tog...
详细解释chatteln.动产,奴隶; 变形 复数:chattels 英英释义 chattel[ 'ttl ]n.personal as opposed to real property; any tangible m...
详细解释analectsn.文选,论集;英英释义 analects[ 'nletks, ,n'lekt ]n.a collection of excerpts from a literary work同义词:analec...
详细解释pictographn.象形文字;形符;英英释义 pictograph[ 'piktur:f, -rf ]n.a graphic character used in picture writing
详细解释hessiann.粗麻布;英英释义 hessian[ 'hesin, 'hen ]n.(19th century) a man's high tasseled boot同义词:Hessian bootjackboot...
详细解释cadenzan.装饰乐段,华彩乐段; 变形 复数:cadenzas 英英释义 cadenza[ k'denz ]n.a brilliant solo passage occuring near the...
详细解释interrelatevt.& vi.相互关联[影响]; 变形 过去式:interrelated过去分词:interrelated现在分词:interrelating第三人称单数:...
详细解释epicureann.享乐者;adj.好美食的,爱奢侈享受的;英英释义 epicurean[ ,epikju'ri:n ]n.a person devoted to refined sensuous ...
详细解释untrustworthyadj.不能信赖的,靠不住的;英英释义 untrustworthy[ n'trst,w:i ]adj.not worthy of trust or belief"an untrustw...
详细解释avantadj.(文化或风格上)先进的;英英释义 AVANTAVANT, also known as AVANT street art guerrilla collective, was the artis...
详细解释intermixv.(使)混和,(使)混杂; 变形 过去式:intermixed过去分词:intermixed现在分词:intermixing第三人称单数:intermi...
详细解释pictogramn.象形文字,古代石壁画; 变形 复数:pictogramspictograph 英英释义 PictogramA pictogram, also called a pictogram...
详细解释tidbitn.(美味食物的)一口;小片珍馐;趣闻;小栏报导英英释义 tidbit[ 'tidbit ]n.a small tasty bit of food同义词:choice ...
详细解释intaglion.刻有凹纹图形的宝石;凹雕,阴文;vt.凹雕; 变形 复数:intagliintaglios过去式:intaglioed过去分词:intaglioed现在...
详细解释cloisonneadj.景泰蓝制的;n.景泰蓝瓷器;英英释义 cloisonne[ klwa:'znei ]n.enamelware in which colored areas are separated...
详细解释plectrumn.拨子,琴拨; 变形 复数:plectrums 英英释义 plectrum[ 'plektrm ]n.a small thin device (of metal or plastic or i...
详细解释diehardn.顽固分子;adj.顽固的,死硬的; 变形 复数:diehards 英英释义 diehard[ 'daih:d ]n.one who adheres to traditional ...
详细解释commendationn.奖;表扬;嘉奖状;推荐 变形 复数:commendations 英英释义 commendation[ ,kmen'dein ]n.an official award (as...
详细解释ornamentationn.装饰,装饰品;英英释义 ornamentation[ ,:nmen'tein ]n.the state of being ornamentedsomething used to beaut...
详细解释ritualisticadj.仪式的,固守仪式的;惯例的;英英释义 ritualistic[ ,ritu'listik ]adj.of or characterized by or adhering to...
详细解释Confuciusn.孔子;英英释义 Confucius[ kn'fju:js ]n.Chinese philosopher whose ideas and sayings were collected after his d...
详细解释unicameraladj.(议会)一院(制)的,单院的;英英释义 unicameral[ ,ju:ni'kmrl ]adj.composed of one legislative body
详细解释endocrineadj.内分泌(腺)的,激素的;英英释义 endocrine[ 'endukrain, -krin ]n.the secretion of an endocrine gland that i...
详细解释acrobaticsn.杂技;杂技艺术;特技飞行;巧妙手法英英释义 acrobatics[ ,kru'btiks ]n.the gymnastic moves of an acrobat同义词...
详细解释natalityn.出生率,出生;英英释义 natality[ nei'tlti ]n.the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that are...
详细解释hedonicadj.享乐的;n.享乐主义学说;英英释义 hedonic[ hi:'dnik ]adj.devoted to pleasure"a hedonic thrill"同义词:hedonist...
详细解释glutinousadj.黏的,胶质的;粘;英英释义 glutinous[ 'lu:tins ]adj.having the sticky properties of an adhesive同义词:glue...