共 102 个单词
Mahayanan.大乘佛教;英英释义 Mahayana[ ,m:h'j:n; m'h:'j:n ]n.a major school of Buddhism teaching social concern and univ...
详细解释ideographn.象形(表意)文字;英英释义 ideograph[ 'idiur:f, 'aidi-, -rf ]n.a graphic character used in ideography同义词:...
详细解释concubinagen.非法同居,纳妾;英英释义 concubinage[ kn'kju:binid ]n.cohabitation without being legally married
详细解释straitenedadj.困苦的,拮据的,困苦的;英英释义 straitened[ 'streitnd ]adj.distressed or embarrassed (especially financia...
详细解释mohismn.墨子哲学,墨家思想;英英释义 MohismMohism or Moism () was a Chinese philosophy developed by the followers of Moz...
详细解释retrogressiveadj.倒退的;英英释义 retrogressive[ ,retru'resiv ]adj.going from better to worse同义词:retrograde
详细解释overindulgencen.过分放纵,过分任性;英英释义 overindulgence[ ,uvrin'dldns ]n.excessive indulgence"the child was spoiled ...
详细解释shelterbeltn.防风林;英英释义 shelterbelt[ 'eltbelt ]n.hedge or fence of trees designed to lessen the force of the wind ...
详细解释oolongn.乌龙茶;英英释义 oolong[ 'u:l, -l: ]n.Chinese tea leaves that have been partially fermented before being dried
详细解释Evian释义依云;英英释义 EvianEvian (, ) is a imported brand of luxury mineral water coming from several sources near via...
详细解释carillonn.钟琴;钟琴演奏的乐曲;排钟;英英释义 carillon[ 'kriljn ]n.set of bells hung in a bell towerplaying a set of be...
详细解释mythologizev.讲神话;编神话;写神话;给神话分类 变形 过去式:mythologized过去分词:mythologized现在分词:mythologizing第...
详细解释taoistn.道士,道教信徒;adj.道教的;英英释义 taoist[ 't:uist,'tauist ]n.an adherent of any branch of Taoism同义词:Taoad...
详细解释dichotomizev.对分,二分;英英释义 dichotomize[ dai'ktmaiz ]v.divide into two opposing groups or kinds同义词:dichotomise
详细解释sericulturen.养蚕;蚕事;英英释义 sericulture[ 'seri,klt ]n.raising silkworms in order to obtain raw silkthe production ...
详细解释malachiten.孔雀石;英英释义 malachite[ 'ml,kait ]n.a green or blue mineral used as an ore of copper and for making ornam...
详细解释germicidaladj.杀菌的,有杀菌力的;英英释义 germicidal[ ,d:mi'saidl ]adj.preventing infection by inhibiting the growth or...
详细解释artificialityn.人工;不自然;不自然之物;人造物英英释义 artificiality[ ,:tifii'lti ]n.the quality of being produced by p...
详细解释latticedadj.装有格子的;英英释义 latticed[ 'ltist ]adj.having a pattern of fretwork or latticework同义词:frettedinterla...
详细解释turnaboutn.旋转;回旋;转变;反击英英释义 turnabout[ 't:n,baut ]n.a decision to reverse an earlier decision同义词:rever...
详细解释chignonn.假髻; 变形 复数:chignons 英英释义 chignon[ 'i:ni ]n.a roll of hair worn at the nape of the neck
详细解释cattailn.葇荑花序亽花,香蒲;英英释义 cattail[ 'ktteil ]n.tall erect herbs with sword-shaped leaves; cosmopolitan in fre...
详细解释phonogramn.表音符号,语音图,形声字;音字标;英英释义 phonogram[ 'funrm ]n.any written symbol standing for a sound or sy...
详细解释hornblenden.角闪石;英英释义 hornblende[ 'h:nblend ]n.a green to black mineral of the amphibole group; consists of silic...
详细解释decapitationn.斩首;杀头;断头术;大辟 变形 复数:decapitations 英英释义 decapitation[ di,kpi'tein ]n.execution by cutti...
详细解释flavorfuladj.充满…味道的,可口的;英英释义 flavorful[ 'fleivful ]adj.full of flavor同义词:flavourfulflavorousflavourou...
详细解释headpiecen.头盔,帽子;顶部;顶梁;上部英英释义 headpiece[ 'hedpi:s ]n.the band that is the part of a bridle that fits a...
详细解释coronetn.宝冠,小冠冕; 变形 复数:coronets 英英释义 coronet[ 'krnit ]n.a small crown; usually indicates a high rank but...
详细解释jujuben.枣;枣味软糖;枣树;英英释义 jujube[ 'du:du:b ]n.spiny tree having dark red edible fruits同义词:jujube bushChri...
详细解释disharmonyn.不调和;不和谐;英英释义 disharmony[ ,dis'h:mni ]n.a lack of harmony同义词:inharmoniousness
详细解释bicameraladj.有两个议会的;英英释义 bicameral[ bai'kmrl ]adj.composed of two legislative bodiesconsisting of two chamber...
详细解释literatin.知识界,文人学士;文学界,学者( literatus的名词复数 );英英释义 literati[ ,lit'r:ti:, 'r:ti:, -'reitai ]n.the ...
详细解释broadswordn.(宽刃)大砍刀;大刀;英英释义 broadsword[ 'br:ds:d ]n.a sword with a broad blade and (usually) two cutting ...
详细解释corbeln.承材,枕梁;vt.给…装上托臂;支撑; 变形 复数:corbels过去式:corbeledcorbelled过去分词:corbeledcorbelled现在分...
详细解释pasturelandn.牧草地,牧场;英英释义 pastureland[ 'p:st,lnd, 'ps- ]n.a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable f...