共 109 个单词
世贸相关的的单词有【cmea】【Association for the Promotion of International Trade】【British Council for the Promotion of International Trade】【upu】【United Nations Trade and Development Board】【Universal Postal Union】【C.C.P.I.T.】【International Chamber of Commerce】【Council for Mutual Economic Aid】【Japan-China Economic Association】【National Council for US-China Trade】【International Alumina Association】【European Free Trade Area】【CCC】【DECD】【customs co-operation council】【Organization for Economic cooperation and Development】【eurogroup】【China Council for the Promotion of International Trade】【International Union of Marine Insurance】【Bank of China】【Economic Commission for Africa】【Economic Commission for Latin America】【Export-Import Bank of Washington】【Andeans Treaty Organization】【United Nations Capital Development Fund】【ceuca】【International Monetary Found】【eacm】【ibrd】【West African Economic Community】【unido】【International Monetary Found Agreement】【Bank of Tokyo】【United Nations Conference on Trade and Development】【London Stock Market】【The Chase Bank】【ocam】【unctad】【American Oriental Banking Corporation】等。
Association for the Promotion of International Traden.日本国际贸易促进会;
详细解释British Council for the Promotion of International Traden.英国国际贸易促进委员会;
详细解释upuabbr.Universal Postal Union 万国邮政联盟;英英释义 UpuUpu, also called Apu (and Ubi or Upi by some authors), was the ...
详细解释United Nations Trade and Development Boardn.联合国贸易与发展理事会;
详细解释Universal Postal Union释义[法]万国邮政联盟;英英释义 Universal Postal UnionThe Universal Postal Union (UPU, ) is a speci...
详细解释International Chamber of Commerce释义[法]国际商会;英英释义 International Chamber of CommerceThe International Chamber o...
详细解释CCCnum.罗马数字 300 [军];abbr.Combustible Cartridge Cases 可燃药筒;num.& abbr.罗马数字 300 [军] Combustible Cartridge ...
详细解释Organization for Economic cooperation and Development释义[经] 经济合作与发展组织;
详细解释eurogroupn.欧洲集团;英英释义 EurogroupThe Eurogroup is a meeting of the finance ministers of the eurozone, i.e.以上来源...
详细解释China Council for the Promotion of International Traden.中国国际贸易促进委员会;英英释义 China Council for the Promotion...
详细解释Economic Commission for Africa英英释义 Economic Commission for Africa n.the commission of the Economic and Social Counci...
详细解释Economic Commission for Latin American.拉丁美洲经济委员会;英英释义 Economic Commission for Latin America n.the commissi...
详细解释United Nations Capital Development Fund释义联合国资本开发基金,联合国资本开发基金会;英英释义 United Nations Capital Dev...
详细解释ibrdn.国际复兴开发银行;英英释义 ibrdn.a United Nations agency created to assist developing nations by loans guaranteed ...
详细解释United Nations Conference on Trade and Development释义联合国贸易与发展会议,联合国贸易开发会议;英英释义 United Nations ...