共 57 个单词
专业四级大纲核心词汇相关的的单词有【lucullan】【telstar】【interlinear】【finis】【gastronome】【telecopter】【videoporn】【bacchanalian】【avoirdupois】【pizzicato】【cognoscente】【par excellence】【basso】【pianissimo】【billet-doux】【pince-nez】【a cappella】【sforzando】【sangfroid】【coloratura】【picaro】【intaglio】【prestissimo】【entre nous】【lettre de cachet】【bouffant】【bon mot】【demitasse】【fortissimo】【bas-relief】【duenna】【caballero】【legato】【bagatelle】【ambrosial】【life-span】【fait accompli】【FIFA】【esprit de corps】【tempera】等。
lucullanadj.富裕的,奢侈的;英英释义 lucullan[ lu:'kln ]adj.characterized by extravagance and profusion"a lucullan feast...
详细解释telstarn.通信卫星;英英释义 TelstarTelstar is a series of satellites, including the first active communications satellit...
详细解释interlinearadj.写在行间的,隔一行书写原文和译文的;英英释义 interlinear[ ,int'lini ]adj.written between lines of text同义...
详细解释finisn.(书或电影中的)结尾;终;终结;死英英释义 finis[ 'fainis ]n.the temporal end; the concluding time"the market was...
详细解释gastronomen.美食者,爱吃的人; 变形 复数:gastronomes 英英释义 gastronome[ 'str,num ]n.a person devoted to refined sensu...
详细解释telecoptern.空中电视台;英英释义 TelecopterThe KTLA Telecopter was the world's first TV News helicopter which first went...
详细解释bacchanalianadj.酒神节的;狂饮作乐的;n.发酒疯的人;英英释义 bacchanalian[ ,bk'neiljn ]adj.used of riotously drunken mer...
详细解释avoirdupoisn.常衡;英英释义 avoirdupois[ ,vd'piz ]n.a system of weights based on the 16-ounce pound (or 7,000 grains)同义...
详细解释pizzicaton.拨奏曲,用指弹的乐曲;adj.指弹的; 变形 复数:pizzicatos 英英释义 pizzicato[ ,pitsi'k:tu ]n.a note or passage...
详细解释par excellenceadv.最卓越,超群;adj.(只用于所修饰的名词后)杰出的,卓越的,出类拔萃的;英英释义 par excellence [ ,p:r'e...
详细解释basson.男低音歌手; 变形 复数:bassosbassi 英英释义 basso[ 'bsu ]n.an adult male singer with the lowest voice同义词:bas...
详细解释pianissimoadv.极弱地;n.乐曲中以最弱音演奏之一节或一个乐章; 变形 复数:pianissimos 英英释义 pianissimo[ ,pj'nisimu ]n.(...
详细解释billet-douxn.情书; 变形 复数:billets-doux 英英释义 billet-doux[ ,bilei'du: ]n.a personal letter to a loved one express...
详细解释pince-nezn.夹鼻眼镜;英英释义 pince-nez[ 'pnsnei, 'pins- ]n.spectacles clipped to the nose by a spring
详细解释a cappella释义(音乐术语)无伴奏合唱;英英释义 a cappella [ ,:k'pel ]adj.without musical accompanimentadv.without musica...
详细解释sforzandon.强调音符[音调];adj.加强的;adv.加强地;英英释义 sforzando[ sf:'ts:ndu ]n.an accented chord(music) a notation...
详细解释coloraturan.(有装饰技巧的)花腔女高音;adj.花腔音的;adv.花腔音地; 变形 复数:coloraturas 英英释义 coloratura[ ,klr'tj...
详细解释intaglion.刻有凹纹图形的宝石;凹雕,阴文;vt.凹雕; 变形 复数:intagliintaglios过去式:intaglioed过去分词:intaglioed现在...
详细解释prestissimon.最快速度;adj.最快的,极快的;英英释义 prestissimo[ pres'tisimu ]adj.(of tempo) as fast as possibleadv.extr...
详细解释entre nousn.只限于咱俩之间,你知我知,不能让外人知道;英英释义 Entre nous"Entre Nous"is the name of a 2003 song recorded...
详细解释lettre de cachetn.有封印密信;英英释义 lettre de cachet n.a warrant formerly issued by a French king who could warrant i...
详细解释bouffantadj.张大的,鼓胀的,柔软而膨松的;百褶;英英释义 bouffant[ 'bu:f ]n.a woman's hairstyle in which the hair gives ...
详细解释demitassen.小型咖啡杯,小杯清咖啡;英英释义 demitasse[ 'demits ]n.small cup of strong black coffee without milk or cream...
详细解释fortissimoadj.非常嘹亮的,最强音的;adv.非常响亮地;n.用极强音奏的音; 变形 复数:fortissimosfortissimi 英英释义 fortiss...
详细解释bas-reliefn.浅浮雕,浅浮雕品; 变形 复数:bas-reliefs 英英释义 bas-relief[ 'bsrili:f ]n.a sculptural relief in which for...
详细解释legatoadv.& adj.连奏地(的),连唱地(的);英英释义 legato[ l':tu ]adj.(music) without breaks between notes; smooth and...
详细解释bagatellen.巴格代拉桌球戏;琐事;(尤指钢琴演奏的)轻快小曲;小曲儿英英释义 bagatelle[ ,b'tel ]n.a light piece of music ...
详细解释ambrosialadj.芬香的,特别美味的;英英释义 ambrosial[ m'bruzjl,-zjn ]adj.extremely pleasing to the taste; sweet and fragr...
详细解释life-spann.寿命;英英释义 life-spann.the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)同义词:...
详细解释fait accomplin.既成事实; 变形 复数:faits accomplis 英英释义 fait accompli n.an irreversible accomplishment同义词:acco...
详细解释FIFAabbr.Federation Internationale de Football Association 国际足球联盟;英英释义 FIFAFIFA, also known as FIFA Football ...
详细解释esprit de corpsn.团体精神;英英释义 esprit de corps [ es'pri:d'k:r ]n.the spirit of a group that makes the members want ...