共 83 个单词
与香水有关的一切相关的的单词有【balsam】【gardenia】【freesia】【balsamic】【edt】【labdanum】【fille】【immortelle】【pelargonium】【lily of the valley】【edc】【neroli】【tuberose】【no-man】【vetiver】【malone】【santal】【Jo】【majuscule】【oud】【marzipan】【oakmoss】【homme】【endymion】【syringa】【edp】【parma】【artemisia】【Chloe】【sycomore】【chypre】【orange blossom】【butyric】【benzoin】【pimento】【lactonic】【bellflower】【frangipani】【galbanum】【orris】等。
balsamn.香膏;香树脂;香脂树;凤仙花属植物 变形 复数:balsams 英英释义 balsam[ 'b:lsm ]n.any seed plant yielding balsama...
详细解释gardenian.栀子属植物,栀子花; 变形 复数:gardenias 英英释义 gardenia[ :'di:nj ]n.any of various shrubs and small trees ...
详细解释freesian.小苍兰属植物; 变形 复数:freesias 英英释义 freesia[ 'fri:zj ]n.any of several plants of the genus Freesia valu...
详细解释balsamicadj.香膏质的,如香油的,有镇静作用的;英英释义 balsamic[ bl'smik ]adj.of or relating to or containing balsam"a b...
详细解释edtabbr.electronic data transfer 电子数据转换;英英释义 EDTThere are at least two major text editors named EDT. One was ...
详细解释labdanumn.劳丹脂,岩茨脂(作香水用);英英释义 labdanum[ 'lbdnm ]n.a dark brown to greenish oleoresin that has a fragran...
详细解释pelargoniumn.天竺葵属的植物; 变形 复数:pelargoniums 英英释义 pelargonium[ ,pel'unjm ]n.geraniums native chiefly to Sou...
详细解释lily of the valleyn.铃兰; 变形 复数:lilies of the valleylily of the valley 英英释义 lily of the valley n.low-growing p...
详细解释edcabbr.engine-driven compressor 发动机驱动压缩机;Emergency digital computer 紧急数字计算机;extra dark colour 特深色;...
详细解释nerolin.橙花油;英英释义 NeroliNeroli oil is a plant oil produced from the blossom of the bitter orange tree (Citrus aur...
详细解释tuberosen.晚香玉;adj.块茎状的,似块茎的;英英释义 tuberose[ 'tju:bruz ]n.a tuberous Mexican herb having grasslike leave...
详细解释no-mann.不容易听话的人,性情乖僻的人;英英释义 No-ManNo-Man are an English art-pop duo formed in 1987 as No Man Is An Is...
详细解释vetivern.(东印度)香根草,岩兰草;英英释义 VetiverVetiver is a type of tropical grass native to India.以上来源于:Wikipe...
详细解释malone释义即 Malone,Edmond;英英释义 malone[ m'lun ]n.English scholar remembered for his chronology of Shakespeare's pla...
详细解释majusculen.大写字母;英英释义 majuscule[ m'dskju:l ]n.one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in...
详细解释hommen.人(用于英语中所使用的法语复合词中);英英释义 HommeHomme is a village in Aust-Agder, Norway, and the region arou...
详细解释endymionn.恩底弥翁(月神);英英释义 EndymionEndymion, the Man in the Moon is an Elizabethan era stage play, a comedy by...
详细解释syringan.紫丁香属的植物,山梅花属的植物; 变形 复数:syringas 英英释义 syringa[ si'ri ]n.large hardy shrub with showy an...
详细解释edpabbr.emotionally disturbed person 情绪失控的人;engineering data processing 工程数据处理;英英释义 edpn.automatic dat...
详细解释parman.中垛,中度紫色或深紫色,低而背斜的褶皱;英英释义 ParmaParma was a four-masted steel-hulled barque which was built...
详细解释artemisian.蒿属植物; 变形 复数:artemisias 英英释义 artemisia[ ,:ti'mi:zi ]n.any of various composite shrubs or herbs o...
详细解释orange blossom释义橙花;英英释义 Orange BlossomOrange Blossom is a French band that plays a mix of electronic and world ...
详细解释butyricadj.奶油的,由奶油中提取的,酪酸的;英英释义 butyric[ bju:'tirik ]adj.relating to or producing butyric acid
详细解释benzoinn.安息香;英英释义 benzoin[ 'benzuin ]n.gum resin used especially in treating skin irritation同义词:gum benzoinb...
详细解释pimenton.西班牙甘椒,甘椒树; 变形 复数:pimentos 英英释义 pimento[ pi'mentu ]n.plant bearing large mild thick-walled us...
详细解释bellflowern.吊钟花,风铃草;钟形花植物;英英释义 bellflower[ 'belflau ]n.any of various plants of the genus Campanula ha...
详细解释frangipanin.鸡蛋花,从鸡蛋花中提炼出来的香料; 变形 复数:frangipanis 英英释义 frangipani[ ,frndi'pni ]n.any of various ...
详细解释galbanumn.白松香,枫子香;英英释义 galbanum[ 'lbnm ]n.a bitter aromatic gum resin that resembles asafetida同义词:gum al...