architectural concept

英式音标[ˌɑ:kɪˈtektʃərəl ˈkɔnsept] 怎么读

美式音标[ˌɑrkəˈtɛktʃərəl ˈkɑnˌsɛpt] 怎么读

词汇归类 建筑专业词汇

architectural concept词义




architectural concept用法



Mobile Agents as an Architectural Concept for Internet-Based Distributed Applications

Mobile Agents as an Architectural Concept for Internet-Based Distributed Applications - The WASP Project Approach

Wearable Internet of Things: Concept, architectural components and promises for person-centered healthcare

Technological learning, architectural innovations, and the virtual utility concept

Making Behaviour a Concrete Architectural Concept

Technological learning, architectural innovations, and the virtualutility concept

The Formal Definition of the Architectural Concept "Interaction Point"

A smart architectural concept for making of a university education system using cloud computing paradigm

Making Behaviour a Concrete Architectural Concept

Architectural concept for the ITER Plasma Control System