horizontal axis
英式音标:[ˌhɔriˈzɔntəl ˈæksis] 怎么读
美式音标:[ˌhɔrɪˈzɑntl ˈæksɪs] 怎么读
词汇归类 跟伍嘉成一起背单词 CFA一级必备词汇 新加坡中二科学数学地理原版教材英语词汇 新加坡中二年级数学英语词汇
同义词: axis-of-abscissas
horizontal axis词义
horizontal axis用法
The line of sight must be approximately perpendicular to the horizontal axis.
Because the horizontal drag was the predominant user action, and vertical drags were rare, we biased the drag threshold towards the horizontal axis.
P‐wave reflection coefficients for transversely isotropic models with vertical and horizontal axis of symmetryExperimental verifications of numerical predictions for the hydrodynamic performance of horizontal axis marine current turbines
Experimentally validated numerical method for the hydrodynamic design of horizontal axis tidal turbines
Vertically Adjustable Horizontal Axis Type Wind Turbine And Method Of Construction Thereof
Optimal design of horizontal-axis wind turbines using blade-element theory and evolutionary computation
Aerodynamics of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines
Experimental analysis of the flow field around horizontal axis tidal turbines by use of scale mesh disk rotor simulators
System and method for loads reduction in a horizontal-axis wind turbine using upwind information
3. Aerodynamics of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines †
Extended exact solutions for least-weight truss layouts—Part I: Cantilever with a horizontal axis of symmetry