英式音标:[ˈmi:nɪŋfl] 怎么读
美式音标:[ˈminɪŋfəl] 怎么读
考级分类 TOEFL
词汇归类 Sherlock-Holmes-神探夏洛克-第一季 盗梦空间-Inception 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 硅谷-第二季-Silicon-Valley 美剧基础词汇 瑞克和莫蒂-第一季-Rick-and-Morty-Season-1
同义词: significative significant senseful eloquent
同根词: meaninglessness meaningless meaningfulness meaningfully meaning mean
adj. 有意义的;意味深长的
meaningful[ 'mi:niŋful ]
adj.having a meaning or purpose
"a meaningful explanation"; "a meaningful discussion"; "a meaningful pause"
meaningful learning有意义的学习
She threw a meaningful look at him.
There are many meaningful long scenes in this director's films.
A poet can convert ordinary words into a meaningful and effective piece of writing.
That statement is not very meaningful.
She felt her works are meaningful when she saw the unaffected delight of the children.
When Is “Nearest Neighbor” Meaningful?Meaningful differences in the everyday experience of young American children
Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children.
Ecologically meaningful transformations for ordination of species data
A more meaningful scoring system for determining the severity of coronary heart disease.
Meaningful relationships: the regulation of the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK pathway by protein interactions.
Clinical significance: a statistical approach to defining meaningful change in psychotherapy research.
The Semantic Web: A New Form of Web Content That is Meaningful to Computers Will Unleash a Revolution of New Possibilities
Clincial Significance: A Statistical Approach to Defining Meaningful Change in Psychotherapy Research, J. Consult Clin Psychol
Jacobson NS, Truax P. Clinical significance: A statistical approach to defining meaningful change in psychotherapy research
meaningful (adj.)
1827, from meaning (n.) + -ful. Related: Meaningfully.
1. "We found no meaningful differences at all, " she says.
2. After all, I only have one shot – like we all do – to make this life meaningful.
3. I think one of the keys in that is that one once you get more than three or four people there, the more people you get, the more other people are going to think something meaningful.
4. As before, if the value of this parameter is not right, then the application will fail to connect without any meaningful error message, as shown in Listing 7.
与以前一样,如果此参数的值不正确,应用程序将无法进行连接,并且不会出现任何有意义的错误消息,如清单7 所示。
5. We need to know not only what are the primitives, but how do we make things meaningful in that language.
6. In analysis we need only to specify a meaningful name for the persistence store, but the details of how we achieve this persistence will be addressed later in design.
7. I found this on to be especially meaningful because it is something that we all have control over, and the research is extensive.
8. To define it generically: an instant is a point on the time line that is unique and occurs only once, and such a date construct can occur only once in a meaningful way.
9. If you do something meaningful, you will have a bunch of reasons to go through the day full of energy.
10. You want your work to be meaningful.
11. They are sometimes slow to approach people they are interested in, but once they get into a relationship, those relationships are pretty meaningful.
12. In fact, it was your playing that gave me a meaningful autumn.
13. It is a book about why we model and how to create meaningful models.
14. Because the visitor is already on your site, you have an opportunity to interact with them in a more meaningful way.
15. He said the research showed meaningful connections could be made online, but also some "needs and responses" could not be met via computers.
16. If someone were to ask you what makes a ring a meaningful object -- the circle of metal it consists of, or the emptiness that that metal encompasses?
17. Since time is relative to the observer, it is impossible to divide it up into past, present and future in a way that is universally meaningful.
18. But Facebook wants you to come to Facebook for the most meaningful dialogues with your friends.
19. But it was something that was important and meaningful to us.
20. To ensure that we got meaningful results, we also verified that the grid index is actually exploited for this query as explained in a later section.
21. The idea here is that if the data is easily accessible, as well as usable and meaningful, including this data in your testing can save time and money.
22. Do not even know what kind of life, what kind of life is meaningful only relying on the instinct of life.
23. They argue that these are another nation’s by right, because they are said to be meaningful to the claimant nation, important for its and its citizens’ identity and self-esteem.
24. For now, you are not interested in the configuration data, but rather in the meaningful descriptive text for each of the entries in that table.
25. For now, you are not interested in the configuration data, but rather in the meaningful descriptive text for each of the entries in that table.
26. In some applications, any click of the mouse, however innocent of function it might be, causes the single Undo function to forget the last meaningful thing the user did.
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27. Of course, the idea of lightness or darkness is meaningful primarily in context of the value of the background.
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28. At this point, it’s usually too late to make meaningful design changes; that train has left the station.
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29. For electrical circuits like doorbells, the milliseconds the bounce takes aren’t meaningful, but in modern electronics, those extra clicks can be significant.
对于门铃这样的电路,颤动花去几个毫秒不会有什么关系。 但在现代的电子仪器中,这种额外的点击问题重大。
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30. Context scenarios establish the primary touch points that each primary and secondary persona has with the system (and possibly with other personas) over the course of a day or some other meaningful length of time.
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31. Not only does this allow users to fill in the gaps where technology can’t identify all the meaningful attributes, but it allows people to define de facto organizational schemes based upon how they discuss and use information.
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32. Substantial work is often required to translate a style guide for marketing collateral into a meaningful look-and-feel for an interactive product or Web site.
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33. Although we think of establishing the home directory for a document at the moment of creation or when we first save it, neither of these events is meaningful outside of the implementation model.
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34. Technical goals are not terribly meaningful to the success of a product unless they are derived from the need to meet other more human-oriented goals.
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35. An attribute-based retrieval system enables users to find documents by their contents and meaningful properties (such as when they were last edited).
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