exit point

英式音标[ˈeksit pɔint] 怎么读

美式音标[ˈɛɡzɪt pɔɪnt] 怎么读

词汇归类 计算机常用词汇

exit point词义




exit point用法



exit point

Exit Point

Exit Point

Medical assisting program guide (1991)


Venular basement membranes contain specific matrix protein low expression regions that act as exit points for emigrating neutrophils

Wang, S. et al. Venular basement membranes contain specific matrix protein low expression regions that act as exit points for emigra...

Late emigrating neural crest cells migrate specifically to the exit points of cranial branchiomotor nerves.

Integrity of Developing Spinal Motor Columns Is Regulated by Neural Crest Derivatives at Motor Exit Points

Boundary cap cells constrain spinal motor neuron somal migration at motor exit points by a semaphorin-plexin mechanism

Bron, R. et al. Boundary cap cells constrain spinal motor neuron somal migration at motor exit points by a semaphoring-plexin mechan...

Exit-Point Based Approaches for Real-Time Traffic Evacuation Management

System and method to improve WLAN handover behavior at entry/exit points