extension division

英式音标[iksˈtenʃən diˈviʒən] 朗读怎么读

美式音标[ɪkˈstɛnʃən dɪˈvɪʒən] 朗读怎么读

extension division词义




extension division用法



Experts at the Ohio State University Extension say most people use a device with a short handle called a mattock or sandholdsang hoe.

Day neutrals produce fruit throughout the summer months.The University of Illinois Urban Extension says ever berries bearers and day neutrals are especially good for home gardens.


Continuous linear division and extension of C∞ functions

Extension of valuations on derived groups of division rings

Division et extension dans l'algèbre A ∞ (Ω) d'un ouvert pseudo-convexe à bord lisse de ℂ n

Time-division-multiplexing-based modulation scheme for RF chirp extension

Nutrient composition of some Philippine feedstuffs. Extension Division, Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Univer...

Division and fusion, extension, adhesion, and retraction of vesicles created through Langmuir monolayer collapse: cell-like behavior

The Computational Complexity of Division in Quadratic Extension Fields

A multipath variant of SCTP with optimized flow division extension

μOCT imaging using depth of focus extension by self-imaging wavefront division in a common-path fiber optic probe

On Logical Extension of Algebraic Division