voice mail
英式音标:[vɔis meil] 怎么读
美式音标:[vɔɪs mel] 怎么读
词汇归类 英语怎么说词组 柯林斯Cobuild词频--0星词汇- 剑桥Interchange国际英语第3级 剑桥国际英语教程2词汇手册 有本单词书高中学习版 北师大版高中英语选修9
voice mail词义
voice mail
n.a computerized system for answering and routing telephone calls; telephone messages can be recorded and stored and relayed
voice mail用法
Flow in computer-mediated communication: Electronic mail and voice mail evaluation and impacts.Integrated voice-mail based voice and information processing system
Integrated voice-mail based voice and information processing system
Voice-mail diary studies for naturalistic data capture under mobile conditions
Voice Mail versus Conventional Channels: A Cost Minimization Analysis of Individuals' Preferences
The poverty of media richness theory: explaining people's choice of electronic mail vs. voice mail
SCANMail: a voicemail interface that makes speech browsable, readable and searchable
Elders' nonadherence: its assessment and medication reminding by voice mail.
The Politeness of Requests Made Via Email and Voicemail: Support for the Hyperpersonal Model
Media richness theory and new electronic communication media: a study of voice mail and electronic mail