英式音标:[bæk] 怎么读
美式音标:[bæk] 怎么读
词汇归类 第一滴血First-Blood 降世神通Avatar 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 机器人总动员-WALLE 硅谷-第二季-Silicon-Valley 傲慢与偏见与僵尸-Pride-and-Prejudice-and-Zombies
同义词: whilom wager upbear trailing stake side second reverse recede rear previously preterit postern posteriori pedestal past old-timey latter instep indorse
同根词: backwardness backward backmost backless backing backer backed back
n. 后面;背部;靠背;足球等的后卫;书报等的末尾
vt. 支持;后退;背书;下赌注
vi. 后退;背靠;倒退
adv. 以前;向后地;来回地;上溯
adj. 后面的;过去的;拖欠的
n. (Back)人名;(西、英、德、法、瑞典、捷)巴克
n.(名词)[S]后部,反面 part or surface of an object that is furthest from the front; part that is less used, less visible or less important
[C]背,背部 rear part of the human body from the neck to the buttocks
[C]椅背 part of a chair against which a seated person's back rests; part of a garment covering the back
v.(动词)vt. & vi. (使)后退,(使)倒退 (cause to) go backward
vt. 支持support
adj.(形容词)[A]后边的 situated behind
[A]过去的,过期的 of or for a past time
[A]迟交的,欠交的 owed for a time in the past; overdue
[A]后元音的 (of a vowel) formed at the back of the mouth
adv.(副词)往后,在后面 towards or at the rear; away from the front or centre
控制住,忍住 under control
恢复; 上溯 in an earlier position, condition or stage; into the past
回报 in return
the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine
"his back was nicely tanned"
the side that goes last or is not normally seen
"he wrote the date on the back of the photograph"
the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer
"he stood at the back of the stage"
(football) a person who plays in the backfield
the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord
"the fall broke his back"
同义词:spinal columnvertebral columnspinebackbonerachis
the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book
同义词:bindingbook bindingcover
the part of a garment that covers the back of your body
"they pinned a `kick me' sign on his back"
a support that you can lean against while sitting
"the back of the dental chair was adjustable"
the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage
be behind; approve of
"I backed Kennedy in 1960"
同义词:endorseindorseplump forplunk forsupport
travel backward
"back into the driveway"; "The car backed up and hit the tree"
give support or one's approval to
"I can't back this plan"
cause to travel backward
"back the car into the parking spot"
support financial backing for
"back this enterprise"
be in back of
"My garage backs their yard"
place a bet on
"Which horse are you backing?"
同义词:bet ongagestakegamepunt
shift to a counterclockwise direction
"the wind backed"
establish as valid or genuine
"Can you back up your claims?"
同义词:back up
strengthen by providing with a back or backing
related to or located at the back
"the back yard"; "the back entrance"
located at or near the back of an animal
"back (or hind) legs"
of an earlier date
"back issues of the magazine"
in or to or toward a former location
"she went back to her parents' house"
at or to or toward the back or rear
"he moved back"; "tripped when he stepped backward"
in or to or toward an original condition
"he went back to sleep"
in or to or toward a past time
"set the clocks back an hour"; "never look back"; "lovers of the past looking fondly backward"
in answer
"he wrote back three days later"
同义词:in reply
in repayment or retaliation
"we paid back everything we had borrowed"; "he hit me and I hit him back"; "I was kept in after school for talking back to the teacher"
用作名词 (n.)
break one's back拼命干,尽最大努力
break the back of sth完成某事最艰难的部分
get sb's back up触怒某人
get off sb's back不再找某人的麻烦
give sb one's back不理睬某人
have one's back to the wall陷入绝境
lean one's back against the wall以背靠墙
put one's back into sth孜孜不倦地做某事
see the back of赶走,撵走
sit in the back坐在后面
turn one's back on对…掉头不顾,轻视
at sb's back幕后支持
at the back在后部
at the back of one's mind在脑中酝酿
behind sb's back瞒着某人
from the back从后面
in the back (of)在(…的)后部
in the back of the book书后的附录中
in the back of one's mind下意识地,潜意识地
lie on one's back仰卧
on one's back仰天而卧,用背驮
on the back of a magazine杂志的封底上
back to back背靠背
stand back to back背对背站着
用作动词 (v.)
back agilely机敏地支持
back consistently一贯支持
back contemptuously傲慢地支持
back deliberately故意支持
back discreetly谨慎地支持
back strongly坚决支持
back down退出
back off后退,放弃
back out不遵守
back up支持,堵塞,后退
back against面对,反对
back by sb's influence在某人权势的支持下
back away from从…避开
back into the garage倒进车库
back onto背朝着
back through the gate倒出大门
back dress with silk用绸布做衣服衬里
用作形容词 (adj.)
back door后门
back seats后座
back vowels后元音
back yard后院
用作副词 (adv.)
answer back反驳,回嘴,顶嘴;还击
bite back很快忍住说出(秘密或冒犯他人的话)
blink back one's tears用眨眼来抑制泪水
bounce back(失意后)恢复,回升
bring back带回;归还;使回忆起;恢复
bring back to health使恢复健康
bring back to life使恢复生命
call back回电话;叫回
carry...back (to)使回想起
choke back忍住,抑制
claim back (from)要求收回,索回
come back回来;又流行起来;恢复记忆;想起来;(指制度、法律)恢复
cut back修剪;缩减
date back to追溯到
double back(为躲避追捕)原路返回;折叠起来,对折
draw back (from)引开,拉开,缩回;撤回,取消;(比赛中)超越
drive back迫使…后退;驾车返回
drop back落后;后撤
fall back后退,退却
fall back on〔upon〕求助于,依赖
feed back (to)反馈回…
fold back折叠,折起
get back回来,回到;失而复得;取回,恢复原位;对…报复
get back into circulation重新恢复正常生活
get back into harness病愈后重新工作
get back to返回
give back归还;恢复(视力、自由等);反射出,照出
go back on (one's word)背弃;食言
go back to返回,归还,退回;重做某事,重操旧业;(冬令制)把钟表调回;追溯,时光返回到
hand back (to)交还;物归原主
hang back犹豫;退缩
have back收回(被借走、偷走等之)某物;允许(分手的配偶等)返回
hold back阻止前进;控制;抑制;(由于谨慎、害怕而)犹豫,踌躇;保留,扣住(不发表),保密
keep back (from)保持一定距离,克制住,挡住;隐瞒住,不让知道;扣留;留住;不付
lie back往后靠坐;放松
look back (on)回顾
pay back归还;还清;报复
play back放,放送(唱片、磁带等)
pull back撤退,撤回
push back逼迫;使撤退;把…推回原处
put the clock back倒行逆施;开倒车
refer...back (to)(将文件等)退回、交回给…予以某种处理;重新提及
report back (to)归来报到;作调查汇报
ring back再打电话;回电话
roll back(使)卷起来;把(录音带等)卷回;(浪潮)退落;撤退,击退;(过去的时光)返回
run back倒卷,倒回(影片、录音带等)
run back over回顾;再次审议
send back(因不满意)送回,退还(商品或饭菜)
set back耽误,阻碍进展;使…破费;使(建筑物)坐落在离开…一定的距离
settle back安坐在椅子里
shrink back (from)(由于害怕)畏缩;退缩
sit back在一旁闲着,袖手旁观
spring back弹回
stand back位于离…有一段距离的地方;保持距离以便更好地理解或判断;拒绝介入;退出
step back后退
take back使回来;归来;同意接受退货;重新任命被解职者;收回,撤回
take sb back (to)使某人回想起
talk back回嘴,顶嘴
think back on回想,回忆
think back to回想,回忆
throw back扔回;揭去,拉开;阻击,耽误,击退;(责备地)向…重提
throw back on迫使…依靠
trace back (to)追溯;回溯
turn back(使)折回,往回走
whip back迅速返回或弹回
win back赢回,夺回
wind back(磁带)倒带;(胶卷)倒卷
go back回去;追溯
back in[体育]后内刃
back of在…后面;在…背后
back on背靠
back into倒车撞上(某物)
in the back在后面
at the back在后面;在…后部
back and forth反复地,来回地
back up v. 支持,援助;(资料)备份;倒退;裱
way back好久以前,老早就
on the back of在…之外,在…后面
at the back of在…背后,支持;在…的后面;在…的后部
back down放弃;让步
in the back of在……后面;在……之后
back out退出;收回
on my back在背上;找我麻烦,挑我毛病
on one's back卧病在床
back off后退;软化;减轻;卸下
back to back背靠背;连续,紧接
go back on违背;背弃
support, sustain, back, uphold, advocate这组词都有“支持,支援,拥护”的意思,其区别是:
hind, backward, behind, back这组词都有“在后,向后”的意思,其区别是:
Three people can sit in the back of this car.
It encouraged him to talk because his back had stiffened in the night and it hurt truly now.
You'll make your back ache if you carry those heavy buckets.
John plays back in the team.
I'll back you up no matter what's happening.
I found no evidence to back your interpretation.
You'll have to back the car up into the garage.
He refused to back away from his position.
Slacken your legs and slowly lie back.
放松双腿, 慢慢向后躺下。
Stand back! You're stepping on my toes.
The kangaroo uses its back legs to jump.
I bought some back issues of science magazines yesterday.
Learning representations by back-propagating errorsDoubly fed induction generator using back-to-back PWM converters and its application to variable-speed wind-energy generation
A doubly fed induction generator using back-to-back PWM converters supplying an isolated load from a variable speed wind turbine
Microsatellites, from molecules to populations and back.
Lil Dicky Enjoys 'Freaky Friday' in U.K., 'Showman' Back to Album Summit
Suppression and revival of weak localization by manipulation of time reversal symmetry: coherent back scattering revival (Orale)
System and method for providing even heat distribution and cooling return pads
Adaptive Background Mixture Models for Real-Time ...
Non-parametric Model for Background Subtraction
back: [OE] Back goes back to a prehistoric West and North Germanic *bakam, which was represented in several pre-medieval and medieval Germanic languages: Old High German bah, for example, and Old Norse bak. In most of them, however, it has been ousted by relatives of English ridge, originally ‘spine’ (such as German rücken and Swedish rygg), and only English retains back.=> bacon
back (n.)
Old English bæc "back," from Proto-Germanic *bakam (cognates: Old Saxon and Middle Dutch bak, Old Frisian bek), with no known connections outside Germanic. In other modern Germanic languages the cognates mostly have been ousted in this sense ib words akin to Modern English ridge (cognates: Danish ryg, German Rücken). Many Indo-European languages show signs of once having distinguished the horizontal back of an animal (or a mountain range) from the upright back of a human. In other cases, a modern word for "back" may come from a word related to "spine" (Italian schiena, Russian spina) or "shoulder, shoulder blade" (Spanish espalda, Polish plecy). To turn (one's) back on (someone or something) "ignore" is from early 14c. Behind (someone's) back "clandestinely" is from late 14c. To know (something) like the back of one's hand, implying familiarity, is first attested 1893. The first attested use of the phrase is from a dismissive speech made to a character in Robert Louis Stevenson's "Catriona":
If I durst speak to herself, you may be certain I would never dream of trusting it to you; because I know you like the back of my hand, and all your blustering talk is that much wind to me.
The story, a sequel to "Kidnapped," has a Scottish setting and context, and the back of my hand to you was noted in the late 19th century as a Scottish expression meaning "I will have nothing to do with you" [see Longmuir's edition of Jamieson's Scottish dictionary]. In English generally, the back of (one's) hand has been used to imply contempt and rejection since at least 1300. Perhaps the connection of a menacing dismissal is what made Stevenson choose that particular anatomical reference.back (v.)
late 15c., "to move (something) back," from back (adv.). Meaning "to support" (as by a bet) is first attested 1540s. Related: Backed; backing.
back (adj.)
Middle English, from back (n.) and back (adv.). Formerly with comparative backer (c. 1400), also backermore. To be on the back burner in the figurative sense is from 1960, from the image of a cook keeping a pot there to simmer while he or she works on another concoction at the front of the stove.
back (adv.)
late 14c., shortened from abak, from Old English on bæc "backwards, behind, aback" (see back (n.)). Adverbial phrase back and forth attested from 1814.
1. The human operator creates that state in his head or on his desk or in his back pocket.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
2. Almost every aspect of a well-developed persona can be traced back to a user statement or behavior.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
3. Back in the days of command lines and character-based menus, interfaces indirectly offered services to users.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
4. Unfortunately, performing Undo now merely brings back the one word, and the six paragraphs are lost forever.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
5. Design Principle Take things away until the design breaks, then put that last thing back in.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
6. And if that isn’t enough, when she clicks on a tab in the back row, the entire row of tabs moves forward, shunting the other two rows to the back.
问题在于标签的移动! 激活的标签必须位于底部这一行,所以如果你单击拼写和语法,这一行就必须滚到底部,另一行则上升到顶部。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
7. Soft-labeled buttons address this problem, but add more buttons back to the surface of the remote.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
8. The answer again goes back to the global metaphor of the desktop.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
9. All we have to do is give it back that token, and the soup instantly returns our record.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
10. To get back to work, you must first click the Close button on the Word Count dialog.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓