

adj. 反常的,不规则的;变态的







反常的,异常的,不正常的 different from what is usual or expected, esp in a way that is worrying, harmful or not wanted


abnormal[ æb'nɔ:məl ]


not normal; not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm

"abnormal powers of concentration"; "abnormal amounts of rain"; "abnormal circumstances"; "an abnormal interest in food"

departing from the normal in e.g. intelligence and development

"they were heartbroken when they learned their child was abnormal"; "an abnormal personality"

much greater than the normal

"abnormal profits"; "abnormal ambition"




用作形容词 (adj.)


abnormal abort异常终止

abnormal absorption反常吸收

abnormal addition异常加成(反应)

abnormal address异常地址

abnormal amount of rain异乎寻常的过多雨量

abnormal attribute异常属性

abnormal behavior反常行为,异常行为,变态行为

abnormal breath气息异常

abnormal brilliance异常光泽

abnormal bubble异常气泡

abnormal case异常情况

abnormal cause异常原因

abnormal child变态儿童,异常儿童

abnormal circumstance不正常情况

abnormal class变态级,异常类

abnormal climate异常气候

abnormal combustion不正常燃烧

abnormal compaction异常压实

abnormal component异常成分

abnormal condition异常条件,异常状态,反常情况

abnormal contact异常接触

abnormal cost特别成本,非常成本

abnormal current异常电流,反常电流;反常流

abnormal curve异常曲线,非正态曲线

abnormal demand反常要求

abnormal density反常密度

abnormal depreciation非常折旧,特别折旧

abnormal dip不正常倾斜

abnormal discount不正常折扣

abnormal dissolution异常溶出

abnormal distribution非正态分布

abnormal drop不正常降低

abnormal dump异常转储,异常打印

abnormal egg异常蛋(指小蛋、无壳蛋、软壳蛋等)

abnormal end异常终止,异常结束

abnormal erosion异常侵蚀;反常冲蚀;畸形的侵蚀

abnormal error异常差错,异常错误;不规则误差

abnormal events异常波;非反射波;异常同相轴

abnormal exchange非常汇率

abnormal exchanges不正常交换;非正常交易

abnormal exit异常退出

abnormal expansion反常膨胀

abnormal exposure异常照射

abnormal factor异常因子

abnormal FALSE test异常假测试

abnormal family非正常家庭

abnormal fibre异状纤维

abnormal flight不正常飞行

abnormal flood非常洪水

abnormal fluorescence异常荧光

abnormal foot畸形脚

abnormal frequency异常频率

abnormal function异常函数

abnormal gains特别收益;非常收益

abnormal glow反常辉光

abnormal group反常基团

abnormal growth异常生长

abnormal hair毛发变异

abnormal hearing异常听觉

abnormal heating异常发热;事故发热

abnormal indication异常指示

abnormal information异常信息

abnormal injection异常喷射

abnormal input异常输入

abnormal intensity异常烈度;异常强度

abnormal interest反常兴趣

abnormal interference colors异常干涉色

abnormal involuntary movement异常不随意运动

abnormal item非常项目,特殊项目

abnormal knocking异响

abnormal labor分娩异常;异常分娩

abnormal lag反常滞后

abnormal law适用于无法律行为能力者的特殊法律

abnormal liquid反常液体;缔合液体

abnormal load不规则荷载;非常荷载

abnormal loss非常损失,非正常亏损

abnormal magnetic moment反常磁矩

abnormal magnetic reading异常地磁读数

abnormal magnetic variation异常地磁变化

abnormal market异常市场

abnormal melting反常熔化

abnormal milk异常乳

abnormal motion异常运动

abnormal movement异常活动

abnormal network cause异常网络原因

abnormal noise异响

abnormal nuclear state反常核态

abnormal number非正规数

abnormal observation异常观察值

abnormal occurrence异常产状,异常现象

abnormal odor异常臭气

abnormal operating condition异常工作条件;异常运行情况

abnormal operation异常运行

abnormal overload异常过载;事故过载

abnormal overpressure异常超压

abnormal overvoltage异常过电压;事故过电压

abnormal ovum异常卵子,畸形卵

abnormal perception知觉异常

abnormal person变态的人,反常者

abnormal personality变态人格

abnormal phenomena不正常现象

abnormal polarization反常极化;反常偏振

abnormal posture姿势异常

abnormal powers of concentration异常集中的注意力

abnormal powers of recollection过人的记忆力

abnormal pregnancy异常妊娠

abnormal presentation异常胎位

abnormal pressure异常压力;异常高压,超压

abnormal price异常价格

abnormal profile异常剖面;畸形剖面

abnormal profit超额利润,非正常利润

abnormal propagation异常传播

abnormal psychology变态心理学

abnormal pulse病脉

abnormal reaction异常反应

abnormal reading反常读数

abnormal recognition不正常识别

abnormal reflection异常反射

abnormal relaxation异常弛缓

abnormal release不正常释放

abnormal return异常返回

abnormal returns非常报酬,特别报酬

abnormal risk异常风险

abnormal scattering反常散射

abnormal sensation感觉异常

abnormal series非正规列;非正规系列;非正规级数

abnormal setting反常凝结

abnormal sexual behavior性行为异常

abnormal sexual development性发育异常

abnormal sexuality变态性欲

abnormal shock异常振动

abnormal shot意外弹

abnormal shrinkage非正常收缩

abnormal situation异常情况

abnormal soil不正常土,异常土

abnormal sound异响;不正常声音

abnormal spoiled goods非正常废品

abnormal state异常状态;病态

abnormal statement异常语句

abnormal steel反常钢;非正常钢

abnormal stop异常停止

abnormal stress反常应力

abnormal structure异常结构;反常组织

abnormal supply反常供给,非常态供给

abnormal swell异常浪涌

abnormal system operation系统异常工况运行

abnormal task termination异常任务终结

abnormal taste异味;口味异常

abnormal temperature异常温度

abnormal termination异常终结,异常终止

abnormal test conditions特殊试验条件

abnormal thinking反常思维

abnormal tide异常潮

abnormal time反常时间,异常时间,不正常时间

abnormal trace不正常道

abnormal traffic反常交通

abnormal transfer反常转移

abnormal TRUE test异常真测试

abnormal underpressure异常欠压

abnormal value反常值,异常值,变态值

abnormal vapor pressure异常蒸汽压

abnormal variation异常磁差

abnormal voltage反常电压;异常电压

abnormal vowel非正常元音

abnormal wall motion index异常壁运动指数

abnormal water level非常水位

abnormal wave异常波型

abnormal wear异常磨损

abnormal weather反常天气

abnormal weight反常重量


abnormal mentally精神失常

abnormal physically身体上不正常

abnormal simply简直不正常


abnormal phenomena异常现象

abnormal behavior异常行为;变态行为

abnormal condition异常情况

abnormal psychology变态心理学

abnormal sound不正常声音;杂音

abnormal return异常返回

abnormal situation异常情况

abnormal distribution[化]非正态分布

abnormal menstruation月经失调


uncommon, abnormal, disordered



Hurricanes are uncommon in England.飓风在英国非常罕见。

That is uncommon instant coffee; it tastes great!那速溶咖啡质量上乘,味道好极了!


His body temperature has been abnormal for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.他的体温三天来一直都不正常,最高的时候达到40.5摄氏度。(尽管身体发烧不正常,但生活中也时有发生。)


We couldn't understand her disordered presentation.我们听不明白她条理不清的陈述。

hehe, then I'd better face my belly downward the ground.

abnormal, unusual





We were very surprised at his abnormal behavior.

At one time, she is fine, but at another, she is abnormal.

He is mentally abnormal.

It's abnormal for the boy to eat so much.

It is important to make a study of abnormal psychology.


This is an abnormal phenomenon and we must work seriously to eradicate it.

Prolonged exposure to lead peroxide can cause abnormal pain, nausea, and vomiting.


Abnormal splicing of the leptin receptor in diabetic mice

Abnormal development of peripheral lymphoid organs in mice deficient in lymphotoxin

Abnormal blood vessel development and lethality in embryos lacking a single VEGF allele

Abnormal endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation in patients with essential hypertension.

Abnormal Morphogenesis But Intact IKK Activation in Mice Lacking the IKKα Subunit of IκB Kinase

Abnormal Phosphorylation of the Microtubule-Associated Protein τ (Tau) in Alzheimer Cytoskeletal Pathology

Lee, G. H. et al. Abnormal splicing of the leptin receptor in diabetic mice . Nature 379, 632-635

Effects of abnormal activation on the time course of the left ventricular pressure pulse in dilated cardiomyopathy.

Developmental abnormalities of the gonad and abnormal sex hormone concentrations in juvenile alligators from contaminated and contro...

PGC-1α Deficiency Causes Multi-System Energy Metabolic Derangements: Muscle Dysfunction, Abnormal Weight Control and Hepatic Steato...



abnormal (adj.)

1835, displaced older abnormous (1742) and rival anormal (1835) under influence of Latin abnormis "deviating from a rule," from ab- "off, away from" (see ab-) + norma "rule" (see norm). The older forms were via Old French anormal (13c.), from Medieval Latin anormalos, from Greek anomalos, from an- "not" + homalos, from homos "same." The Greek word was altered in Latin by association with norma. Related: Abnormally.



1. That is simply abnormal.


2. They have one abnormal gene from that parent and one normal gene from the other parent.


3. The machinist pressed his ear to the instrument in order to listen and tell where the abnormal sound came from.



4. These materials are known as "radioisotopes"—versions of an element that, because they have an abnormal number of neutrons, frequently decay and release radiation.


5. These drugs interrupt the growth of the abnormal cells that produce amyloid protein.


6. Is the child abnormal in any way?


7. This abnormal shutdown prevents the device from being managed by another manager instance.


8. In vice, the attraction of the abnormal creates a troubling anxiety: the spirit seems to have become blood and stirs in the flesh like an immanent force.


9. We think we may have an almost complete understanding of the set of abnormal genes which drive this cancer.


10. Whether you inherited an abnormal breast cancer gene or acquired it, if you have one normal gene, that gene will still work to control cell growth and prevent cancer.


11. But experts are loath to offer specific definitions of "normal" and "abnormal," pointing out that men show great variations in both frequency and technique.

但专家却不愿对“正常”和“不正常”给出具体的定义。 他们指出,人们之间自慰的频率和方式差别很大。

12. Migraine headaches are caused by abnormal blood flow to the brain.


13. Know your blood lipids: Raised blood cholesterol and abnormal blood lipids increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.


14. No abnormal utilization of CPU or time was noticed.


15. Female ejaculation is considered rare in the west, and even, by some, abnormal.


16. The idea that someone should not be punished if their abnormal neural make-up leaves them no choice but to break the law is contentious but not new.


17. A: A growth reference provides a basis for making comparisons but deviations from the pattern it describes are not necessarily evidence of abnormal growth.


18. Knowing that certain brain areas are abnormal, she said, meant that scientists could try to work out ways of training or medicating the brain to get around the damage.


19. Some disorders are the direct result of abnormal RBC metabolism and interference with glycolysis.


20. "After the suicide, we sent psychology majors to monitor students who are more introverted , and will have them report to us if they see abnormal behavior, " Pan said.


21. We identified the mutation that triggers this abnormal re-activation of developmental genes and showed that if you turn off these genes, you stop the cancer.


22. Marijuana can decrease sperm motility and increase the number of abnormal sperm.


23. By analyzing the trace files, you can detect abnormal application behavior, such as database resource leaks.


24. Up to half the eggs of young women and up to 75% of those in women over 39 have abnormal chromosomes.


25. A woman who has an abnormal breast cancer gene and develops breast cancer in one breast might opt for mastectomy of the affected breast and prophylactic removal of the other, healthy, breast.


26. Women diagnosed with breast cancer who have an abnormal BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene often have a family history of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, or both.


27. Women diagnosed with breast cancer who have an abnormal BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene often have a family history of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, or both.


28. It exhibits no modification in structure in accordance with its abnormal habits.


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

29. There are a number of verbs which describe abnormal ways of walking.


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

30. The productive cough of chronic bronchitis is often not regarded as abnormal.


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

31. Human “mistakes” are so commonplace that if you think of them as “errors” or even as abnormal behavior, you will adversely affect the design of your software.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

32. Instead of assuming error messages are normal, we need to think of them as abnormal solutions to rare problems—as surgery instead of aspirin.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

33. Abnormal psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the abnormal behaviour and functioning of organism.


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

34. An abnormal amount of snow fell here last week.


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

35. We can bring about abnormal distribution of energy states.


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

36. Regardless of cause, the glaucomatous eye is grossly abnormal in the later stages.


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

37. Cancer is a disease caused by the insidous progressive growth of abnormal cells.


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句