英式音标:[əˈdʌltəri] 怎么读
美式音标:[əˈdʌltəri,-tri] 怎么读
考级分类 TEM8
词汇归类 Billions-亿万财富之战-Season1amp2 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 大话王Liar-Liar 斯巴达300勇士 新闻编辑室The-Newsroom-Season1 CATTI2英语二级翻译口笔译考试大纲
同义词: fornication cuckoldry
n. 通奸,通奸行为
adultery[ ə'dʌltəri ]
n.extramarital sex that willfully and maliciously interferes with marriage relations
"adultery is often cited as grounds for divorce"
同义词:criminal conversationfornication
The Bible says adultery is a sin.
She has an adultery affair with the man.
He was fired because he was accused of adultery.
She suspected her husband had committed adultery.
I was surprised to hear that Johnson had been divorced by his wife on the grounds of adultery.
Adultery in the Novel: Contract and Transgression
Adultery: An Analysis of Love and Betrayal by Annette Lawson
Male Promiscuity and Female Adultery by the Rook Corvus frugilegus
Perfect Wives, Other Women: Adultery and Inquisition in Early Modern Spain
Anatomy of Love: The Natural History of Monogamy, Adultery, and Divorce
Anatomy of Love: The Natural History of Monogamy, Adultery, and Divorce by Helen E. Fisher
Georgina Dopico Black , Perfect Wives, Other Women: Adultery and Inquisition in Early Modern Spain
Male Response to Apparent Female Adultery in the Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides): An Evolutionary Interpretation
adultery: [14] Neither adultery nor the related adulterate have any connection with adult. Both come ultimately from the Latin verb adulterāre ‘debauch, corrupt’ (which may have been based on Latin alter ‘other’, with the notion of pollution from some extraneous source). By the regular processes of phonetic change, adulterāre passed into Old French as avoutrer, and this was the form which first reached English, as avouter (used both verbally, ‘commit adultery’, and nominally, ‘adulterer’) and as the nouns avoutery ‘adultery’ and avouterer ‘adulterer’.Almost from the first they coexisted in English beside adult- forms, deriving either from Law French or directly from Latin, and during the 15th to 17th centuries these gradually ousted the avout- forms. Adulter, the equivalent of avouter, clung on until the end of the 18th century, but the noun was superseded in the end by adulterer and the verb by a new form, adulterate, directly based on the past participle of Latin adulterāre, which continued to mean ‘commit adultery’ until the mid 19th century.=> alter
adultery (n.)
"voluntary violation of the marriage bed," c. 1300, avoutrie, from Old French avouterie (12c.), noun of condition from avoutre, from Latin adulterare "to corrupt" (see adulteration). Modern spelling, with the re-inserted -d-, is from early 15c. (see ad-). In Middle English, also "sex between husband and wife for recreational purposes; idolatry, perversion, heresy." Classified as single adultery (with an unmarried person) and double adultery (with a married person). Old English word was æwbryce "breach of law(ful marriage)" (compare German Ehebruch). Adultery Dune in Arizona corresponds to Navajo sei adilehe "adultery sand," where illicit lovers met privately.
1. He was accused of committing adultery.
2. He hit out at public figures who commit adultery.
3. She is going to divorce him on the grounds of adultery.
4. I filed for divorce on the grounds of adultery a few months later.
5. Although he was on home ground, his campaign had been rocked by adultery allegations.
6. Although he was on home ground, his campaign had been rocked by adultery allegations.