英式音标:[dɪˈmɑ:nd] 怎么读
美式音标:[dɪˈmænd] 怎么读
词汇归类 盗梦空间-Inception 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 老友记六人行第一季全集 冰雪奇缘-Frozen 新闻美剧单词精华 硅谷-第二季-Silicon-Valley
同义词: wish wants want solicit see-about requisition requirement pray-for petition need necessity lack inquire-about hit-up exact entailment do desire call-on call-for
vt. 要求;需要;查询
vi. 需要;请求;查问
n. [经] 需求;要求;需要
n. (Demand)人名;(德)德曼德
v.(动词)vt. & vi. 要求 say strongly that you must have sth
vt. 需要 want (particular goods or services)
vt. 想要知道,查问 inquire with authority
n.(名词)[C]要求,所需求之物 urgent request; act of demanding; sth demanded
[U][S]需求,需要 the desire of people for particular goods or services
demand[ di'mɑ:nd, -'mænd ]
the ability and desire to purchase goods and services
"the automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips"; "the demand exceeded the supply"
an urgent or peremptory request
"his demands for attention were unceasing"
a condition requiring relief
"there is a demand for jobs"
the act of demanding
"the kidnapper's exorbitant demands for money"
required activity
"there were many demands on his time"
request urgently and forcefully
"The victim's family is demanding compensation"; "The boss demanded that he be fired immediately"; "She demanded to see the manager"
require as useful, just, or proper
"This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"
同义词:necessitateaskpostulateneedrequiretakeinvolvecall for
claim as due or just
"The bank demanded payment of the loan"
lay legal claim to
summon to court
ask to be informed of
"I demand an explanation"
用作动词 (v.)
demand a trial要求审判
demand an answer要求答复
demand an explanation要求说明
demand an interview要求会见
demand analysis需求分析
demand attention需要注意
demand better working conditions要求更好的工作条件
demand bill要求得到即期汇票
demand care需要细心
demand certificate要求证书
demand freedom要求自由
demand great precision需要十分的精细
demand help要求帮忙
demand one's rights要求自己的权利
demand patience需要耐心
demand payment要求付款
demand payment of a debt要求偿还债务
demand price讨价
demand quiet rest需要静养
demand release要求释放某人
demand reparation要求赔偿
demand sb's address询问某人的地址
demand sb's business查问某人干什么,查问某人有何事
demand sb's name询问某人的姓名
demand signal指令信号
demand skill需要有熟练的技术
demand solution需要解决
demand the reason for the intrusion要求解释侵扰的理由
demand the singer once more要求这位歌手再次演唱
demand arbitrarily擅自请求
demand arrogantly妄自尊大,蛮横要求
demand assuredly大胆要求
demand bluntly直率要求
demand briskly轻松地要求
demand cruelly铁面无私地查问
demand curtly简略地询问
demand definitely明确要求
demand despairingly绝望地要求
demand exactingly严格地要求
demand exorbitantly过分地要求
demand formally正式地要求,郑重其事地请求
demand frantically疯狂地要求
demand furiously愤怒地要求
demand greedily贪婪地要求
demand gruffly态度生硬地请求
demand hungrily渴望地请求,争先恐后地要求
demand imperatively迫切要求,紧急请求
demand incessantly不停地请求
demand indignantly愤愤不平地查问
demand insistently迫切要求,坚持要求
demand insolently傲慢地要求
demand loudly大声地要求
demand persistently坚持要求
demand rapaciously贪婪地渴求
demand relentlessly不懈地要求
demand riotously放荡地要求,吵闹地要求
demand ruthlessly残忍地要求
demand savagely蛮横地要求
demand scornfully蔑视地询问
demand sharply尖刻地要求
demand sternly严格地要求,苛刻地要求
demand stridently吵吵嚷嚷地要求
demand triumphantly得意洋洋地查问
demand truculently蛮横无理地要求
demand ultimately最终要求
demand unanimously全体一致地要求
demand uncompromisingly强硬地要求
demand unconscionably不合理地要求,肆无忌惮地要求
demand unreasonably无理地要求,荒唐地要求
demand urgently迫切地需要
demand vibrantly精神振奋地请求
demand virulently恶毒地质问
demand for对…的需求
demand from向…要求
demand in在…的需求
demand of要求
demand on需要
用作名词 (n.)
abridge demand削减需要量
accede to demand答应要求
accomplish demand达到要求
agree to demand答应要求
attend demand注意需求
besiege with demands提出一堆要求
cause demand带来需求,产生需要
comply with demand同意要求
concede demand承认要求
confront with demand面对要求
create demand产生需要,引起需求
deny demand拒绝要求
divine demand察觉要求,推测需求
drop a demand放弃要求
dwarf demand使要求受阻
echo demand重复要求
evoke demand引起需求
exceed demand超过需求,供过于求
fill demand满足需求
fulfill demand达到要求
grant demand答应要求
have a demand提出要求
ignore demand忽视要求
increase demand增加需求
indulge demand放纵要求
make demand提出要求
meet demand满足要求
obey demand服从要求
overtake demand超过需求
parry demand回避要求
present one's demands提出要求
press demand强调要求,坚持要求
put forward a demand提出要求
raise the demand提出要求
refuse the demand拒绝要求
reiterate demand重申要求
reject demand拒绝要求
respond to demand符合要求,与要求一致
satisfy demand满足要求
supply demand供应需要
support the demand支持要求
thunder demand在共同要求下团结起来
utter demand公开说明要求
voice demand把要求说出来
whip up demand刺激需求
yield to demand屈从要求,答应要求
abnormal demand反常的需求
active demand积极的要求,旺销
additional demand附加的要求,额外要求
arbitrary demand随心所欲的要求
arrogant demand专横的要求
audacious demand厚颜无耻的要求
authoritative demand官方要求,当局要求
blustering demand恐吓的要求
brisk demand旺销
brusque demand无礼要求
ceaseless demands不断的要求
complex demand复杂的要求
concrete demand具体要求
consistent demand一致的要求
constant demand经常的要求,一直很畅销
consumer demand消费需求,商品需求量
continuing demand持续的需要
craving demand恳求,渴求
decorative demand装饰需要物
definite demand明确的要求
diminishing demand缩小需求
eager demand迫切需要
earnest demand真挚的要求
effectual demand有力的要求,有效的需求
embarrassing demand令人为难的要求
emotional demand情感要求
emphatic demand显著的要求
enlarged demand扩大要求,增补要求
enormous demand大量的需求
essential demand根本要求
ever-changing demand时时变化的要求
ever-increasing demand不断增长的要求
exacting demand严格的要求
exaggerated demand夸大的要求,言过其实的需求
excessive demand过分的要求
exigent demand苛求,紧急要求
exorbitant demand过分要求
explicit demand明确的要求,率直的要求
extreme demand激烈的要求,极端的要求
feverish demand疯狂的要求
financial demand财政需求
fluctuating demand变更的需求
fruitless demand毫无结果的要求
general demand普遍的要求,一般的要求
gigantic demand庞大的需求
good demand很大的需要量
great demand大量的需求
growing demand日益增长的需求
half-appealing demand半恳求,半哀求
half-resentful demand不大满意的要求
heavy demand大量需求
higher demand更高的需要
huge demand大量的需求
imaginative demand富于想象力的要求
immediate demand即刻的要求,直接的要求
immense demand无限的要求
imperious demand专横的要求,紧急需要
impossible demand做不到的要求,达不到的需要
incessant demand不断的需要
industrial demand产业需求
inescapable demand必不可少的需求
inevitable demand合情合理的要求,必然的需要
infrequent demand罕见的需求
insidious demand阴险的要求
insistent demand迫切的要求
insulting demand无礼的要求,侮辱性的要求
intense demand认真的要求
intransigent demand不妥协的要求
irresistible demand不可抗拒的需求
just demand正当的要求
languid demand需求疲软
large demand大量需要
legitimate demand合法要求,正当的要求
limited demand有限的需求
little demand需求量少
live demand目前大家关心的需求
logical demand合乎逻辑的要求
moderate demand有分寸的要求
modern demand时髦的需求
modest demand有分寸的要求
monstrous demand荒谬的要求
multitudinous demands许多要求
nervous demand神经质的要求
never-ending demand无止境的需要
normal demand正常的需要,规定的要求
obstinate demand顽强的要求
outrageous demand无耻的要求
overwhelming demand压倒多数的要求
peculiar demand特殊需求
permanent demand永远的需要
persistent demand持续的要求
poor demand需要量很小
popular demand民众的要求
practical demand实际的要求
preparatory demand预先准备的要求
present demand目前的需求
pressing demand燃眉之需,紧急要求
progressive demand逐步的要求
public demand大众的需求
reasonable demand合理的要求
renewed demand补充要求
repeated demand再三要求
ridiculous demand荒谬的要求
scientific demand科学上的要求
small demand小小的要求
social demand社会需要
steady demand稳定的需求量
stern demand严格的要求,苛刻的要求
strict demand严格要求
strong demand强烈要求,大量的需求
sufficient demand充分的要求,足够的需要量
temporal demand短暂的需求,世俗的需要
temporary demand临时的需要
terrific demand可怕的要求,惊人的需要
transient demand一时的要求
tremendous demand惊人的要求,非常巧妙的要求
unabated demand原有的要求
uncompromising demand坚决的要求
unconditional demand无保留的要求
unfair demand卑劣的要求,不公正的要求
unfortunate demand令人遗憾的要求
unheeded demand无人理睬的要求
unique demand唯一要求
unjust demand不正当的要求
unlimited demand无限制的要求
unprecedented demand空前的需要,新奇的要求
unreasonable demand无理要求
unsatisfied demand得不到满足的要求
urgent demand迫切需要
vehement demand热烈的要求
vigorous demand强烈要求
voiced demand用语言表达的要求
voluntary demand自愿要求,自动要求
widespread demand普遍的要求,广泛的需要
worthy demand高尚的要求
export demand出口需要
home demand国内需要
human demand有人性的要求,通人情的要求
market demand市场需要
union demand工会的要求
wage demand对工资提出的要求
wage-rise demand加薪的要求
demand analysis需求分析
demand bill即期汇票
demand certificate活期存单
demand draft即期汇票
demand inflation需求引起的通货膨胀
demand loan活期放款
demand meter占用计数计
demand oxygen system耗氧系统
demand register最大需求量记录器
demand signal指令信号
according to demand根据要求
at demand在请求时
in demand需要,需求
on demand在请求时
under demand在…的要求下
demand for对…的要求
demand for compensation要求补偿
demand of the times时代的需要
demand on对…的要求
demand of v. 要求;向…索取
demand for对…的需求
market demand市场需求
supply and demand供应与需求
meet the demand满足需要,满足要求;符合要求
in demand受欢迎的;非常需要的;销路好;有需要
customer demand顾客需求
on demand见票即付;即期
domestic demand国内需求;本地内部需求
consumer demand消费需求;消费者的要求
demand and supply需求与供应
demand analysis需求分析
water demand需水量
in great demand需要量很大
strong demand强烈要求;殷切需求
actual demand实际需求
power demand功率需量,电力需量
traffic demand交通需求
energy demand能源需求;需能量;能量需要
demand side需求的方面;需要面
inquire, question, ask, demand这组词都有“问,询问”的意思,其区别是:
ask 最普通用词,可与demand, inquire和question换用,但ask用于口语中,指提出问题让人回答。
beg, implore, request, pray, require, claim, entreat, ask, demand这组词都有“要求,请求”的意思,其区别是:
command, commend, demandcommand命令
Their demand is entirely justified.
The demand for coal begins to slacken off in the spring.
He had the impertinence to demand a raise.
The policeman demanded their names.
All these questions demand careful and detailed study.
Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routingAd hoc On-demand Routing Vector (AODV) Routing
Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing
Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing
Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODVv2) Routing
RFC 3561-ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing
Ariadne: A Secure On-Demand Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks
Request for Comments: Ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing
Performance comparison of two on-demand routing protocols for ad hoc networks
Information Technology, Work Place Organization and the Demand for Skilled Labor: Firm-Level Evidenc
demand: [13] Latin dēmandāre meant ‘entrust something to someone’. It was a compound verb formed from the intensive prefix dē- and mandāre ‘entrust, commit’ (source of English mandate). As it passed via Old French demander into English, its meaning developed to ‘give someone the responsibility of doing something’, and finally ‘order’.=> mandate
demand (v.)
late 14c., "ask, make inquiry," from Old French demander (12c.) "to request; to demand," from Latin demandare "entrust, charge with a commission" (in Vulgar Latin, "to ask, request, demand"), from de- "completely" (see de-) + mandare "to order" (see mandate). Meaning "to ask for as a right" is early 15c., from Anglo-French legal use. Related: Demanded; demanding.
demand (n.)
late 13c., "a question," from Old French demande (see demand (v.)). Meaning "a request, claim" is from c. 1300. In the political economy sense (correlating to supply) it is attested from 1776 in Adam Smith.
1. Demand for a product usually determines supply.
2. In production, we demand not only quantity but also quality.
3. The management reacted to the demand of workers by increasing their wages since April.
4. The measure falls in with popular demand.
5. "Whatever we do is the demand of the public, " she says.
6. Before, there was no demand so all the research was in the laboratory.
7. Do not be possessive or try to demand her attention.
8. We demand it because without difficulty there can be no game.
9. Why do we have to define professionalism in terms of basic supply and demand?
10. This massive investment indicates that there is demand for virtualization of resources inside the cloud.
11. In particular, there is plenty of supply to meet demand.
12. And there are other sources of demand.
13. If the supply and demand condition is stable, then gold and the dollar have an inverse relationship.
14. What will the next demand be?
15. What will the next demand be?
16. If you’re a businessperson, your working-week calendar would demand more space than a vacation week.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
17. Most applications demand more direct, less distracting, and more trustworthy means of getting assistance.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
18. Butcons are, in theory, easy to use: They are always visible and don’t demand as much time or dexterity as a drop-down menu does.
在理论上,图标按钮很容易使用。 它们总是可见的,不需要花费太多的时间,也不像下拉菜单那样需要一定的灵敏度。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
19. However, they will definitely demand faster access to their regular working set of tools, which may be quite large.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
20. The user will demand that the tools in his working set be placed front and center in the user interface, easy to find and to remember.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
21. Shortcomings in contextual information aside, one of the biggest problems with scrollbars is that they demand a high degree of precision with the mouse.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
22. They don’t move a user towards his goal; they are overhead that the applications demand before they deign to assist that person.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
23. Necessary use interactions demand pedagogy because they are seldom encountered: Users may forget how to access the function or how to perform tasks related to it.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
24. How many people are likely to use the kiosk at a time? Are there sufficient numbers of kiosks to satisfy demand without a long wait?
每次会有几个人来使用信息亭? 信息亭的数量是否足够多,才不至于让人们等待很长时间?
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
25. To achieve this, they demand that a user take the time to focus on them and read them.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓