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词汇归类 权力的游戏-第三季 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 石油化工专业常用词汇 从四六级到两万把COCA变成适合自己的单词书 汽车专业英语读译教程 Google大数据29万高频美语词汇表
n. 突然倾斜;蹒跚;挫折
vi. 倾斜;蹒跚
vt. 击败
n. (Lurch)人名;(德)卢尔希
lurch[ lə:tʃ ]
an unsteady uneven gait
a decisive defeat in a game (especially in cribbage)
abrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance)
the act of moving forward suddenly
walk as if unable to control one's movements
move abruptly
"The ship suddenly lurched to the left"
move slowly and unsteadily
"The truck lurched down the road"
loiter about, with no apparent aim
defeat by a lurch
Suddenly the horse lurched to one side and the child fell off.
Their relationship seems to lurch from one crisis to the next.
The man lurched drunkenly out of the pub.
The ship gave a lurch to starboard.
His heart gave a lurch when he saw her.
The lurch of the small boat make her sick to her stomach.
Delay Bounds under Arbitrary Multiplexing: When Network Calculus Leaves You in the Lurch...Delay Bounds under Arbitrary Multiplexing: When Network Calculus Leaves You in the Lurch...
Lurch avoidance strategy and its implementation in AMT vehicles
Barriers to adherence to COPD guidelines among primary care providers
Effectiveness of Radiation Therapy Alone for Elderly Patients with Unresected Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Rapid detection and strain identification of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) by real-time RT-PCR.
Inhaler device, administration technique, and adherence to inhaled corticosteroids in patients with asthma.
Lurch: a Lightweight Alternative to Model Checking
Beliefs and attitudes about lung cancer screening among smokers
Prevalence and genotypes of human papillomavirus among Thai women.
lurch: English has two words lurch, both with rather obscure histories. The verb, ‘stagger’ [19], appears to come from an earlier lee-lurch, which in turn may have been an alteration of an 18th-century nautical term lee-latch, denoting ‘drifting to leeward’. The latch element may have come from French lâcher ‘let go’. The lurch of leave someone in the lurch [16] originated as a term in backgammon, denoting a ‘defeat’, ‘low score’, or ‘position of disadvantage’. It was borrowed from French lourche, which probably goes back to Middle High German lurz ‘left’, hence ‘wrong’, ‘defeat’.
lurch (n.1)
"sudden pitch to one side," 1784, from earlier lee-larches (1765), a nautical term for "the sudden roll which a ship makes to lee-ward in a high sea, when a large wave strikes her, and bears her weather-side violently up, which depresses the other in proportion" ["Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences," London 1765]; perhaps from French lacher "to let go," from Latin laxus (see lax).
When a Ship is brought by the Lee, it is commonly occaſsioned by a large Sea, and by the Neglect of the Helm's-man. When the Wind is two or three Points on the Quarter, the Ship taking a Lurch, brings the Wind on the other Side, and lays the Sails all dead to the Maſt; as the Yards are braced up, ſhe then having no Way, and the Helm being of no Service, I would therefore brace about the Head ſails ſharp the other Way .... [John Hamilton Moore, Practical Navigator, 8th ed., 1784]
lurch (n.2)
"predicament," 1580s, from Middle English lurch (v.) "to beat in a game of skill (often by a great many points)," mid-14c., probably literally "to make a complete victory in lorche," a game akin to backgammon, from Old French lourche. The game name is perhaps related to Middle English lurken, lorken "to lie hidden, lie in ambush," or it may be adopted into French from Middle High German lurz "left," also "wrong."
lurch (v.)
1821, from lurch (n.1). Related: Lurched; lurching.
1. Once they are locked together – a move that ends with a gentle lurch – it takes half an hour or so to equalise the pressure and finally open hatches that separate the two crews.
2. Otherwise, we’ll lurch from crisis to crisis — and the crises will get bigger and bigger.
3. But the upward lurch in Russia’s taxes seems particularly rough on the country’s brewers, 80% of which are wholly or partly foreign-owned.
4. But with each lurch of the euro zone towards contagion, with each bungled change of government, and with each reluctant intervention in the financial markets, the task becomes harder and more costly.
5. As problems arise, the regulatory system will lurch from crisis to crisis and wind up extending to cover everything and nothing.
6. But with each lurch of the euro zone towards contagion, with each bungled change of government, and with each reluctant intervention in the financial markets, the task becomes harder and more costly.
7. "But without tangible commitments from the major surplus countries, a lurch toward protectionism and a global trade war will be increasingly likely," he said in a report.
8. They just lurch out into traffic without batting an eye.
9. Frequent OS updates mean frequent app updates, leaving some users in the lurch when their apps no longer work as expected.
10. Frequent OS updates mean frequent app updates, leaving some users in the lurch when their apps no longer work as expected.