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词汇归类 摩登家庭-Modern-Family-第五六季 肖申克的救赎-The-Shawshank-Redemption 乱世佳人 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 查莉成长日记第一季全集 The-Interview-刺杀金正恩
单词细分 树
同义词: quercine
n. 橡树;橡木色;橡木家具
adj. 栎树的;栎木制的
n. (Oak)人名;(英)奥克
n.(名词)[C]栎树,橡树 type of tree with though hard wood, common in many parts of the world
[U]栎木,橡木 wood of this tree
oak[ əuk ]
the hard durable wood of any oak; used especially for furniture and flooring
a deciduous tree of the genus Quercus; has acorns and lobed leaves
"great oaks grow from little acorns"
同义词:oak tree
用作名词 (n.)
English oak英国栎树
old oak老橡树
forest of oak橡树林
heart of oak坚韧不拔的人,勇士
white oak n. [植]白栎木;白栎
red oak红橡木
oak ridge橡树岭(美国田纳西州东部城市)
cork oak(欧)栓皮栎
oak ridge national laboratory橡树岭国家实验室
The birds nested in the oak tree.
Pine wood saws more easily than oak.
The wine is left to mature in oak barrels.
There was a triptych of pale oak.
Oak leaf quality declines in response to defoliation by gypsy moth larvaePhylogenetic overdispersion in Floridian oak communities.
Warmer springs disrupt the synchrony of oak and winter moth phenology.
Seasonal changes in oak leaf tannins and nutrients as a cause of spring feeding by winter moth cater
Selection of Gambel oak roosts by southwestern myotis in ponderosa pine-dominated forests, northern Arizona.
Scale-Dependence of Environmental Effects on Species Richness in Oak Savannas
Building support and financial sustainability for the oak collection at the UC Davis Arboretum
Gradients in composition, structure, and diversity of remnant oak savannas in southern Wisconsin
Responses of hardwood advance regeneration to seasonal prescribed fires in oak-dominated shelterwood stands
Effects of gypsy moth establishment and dominance in native caterpillar communities of northern oak forests.
oak: [OE] Oak is an ancient Germanic tree-name, shared by German (eiche), Dutch (eik), Swedish (ek), and Danish (eg). These point back to a common Germanic ancestor *aiks. There is no conclusive evidence of any related forms outside Germanic, however, although similarities have been noted with Greek aigílops, a term for a sort of oak tree, and Latin aesculus ‘oak sacred to Jupiter’.Despite its passing similarity, acorn is not etymologically related. The oak was one of the commonest trees in the ancient European forests, and many terms that started out as names for it became generalized to simply ‘tree’: English tree, for instance, comes from an Indo-European ancestor that probably originally meant ‘oak’.
oak (n.)
Old English ac "oak tree," from Proto-Germanic *aiks (cognates: Old Norse eik, Old Saxon and Old Frisian ek, Middle Dutch eike, Dutch eik, Old High German eih, German Eiche), of uncertain origin with no certain cognates outside Germanic. The usual Indo-European base for "oak" (*deru-) has become Modern English tree (n.); likewise in Greek and Celtic words for "oak" are from the Indo-European root for "tree," probably reflecting the importance of the oak to ancient Indo-Europeans. The Old Norse form was eik, but as there were no oaks in Iceland the word came to be used there for "tree" in general. Used in Biblical translations to render Hebrew elah (probably usually "terebinth tree") and four other words.
1. Quietly he walked towards her, past her, and on towards the heavy oak door.
2. If you could combine their features into one specimen of supreme manliness, their biceps would be as big as the forelimb of an ox and their neck as wide as an oak tree.
3. She took off her coat and laid it over the back of the oak kitchen chair and sat down.
4. Truffles grow underground among the roots of oak, elm, chestnut, pine, and willow trees where they form a symbiotic relationship with their environment.
5. We planned to floor our room with oak.
6. Are our oars oak?
7. Jim dancing until dawn with necklace and pearls. Back at her oak roomed upstairs house she says her parents are away and Jim is still not sober.
8. At the edge of town he stops and looks westward, where patchwork fields melt into dense oak forest, then rise into sharp granite peaks.
9. The porous nature of an oak barrel allows some evaporation and oxidation to occur in wine, to concentrate its flavor and aroma compounds.
10. In English, among the oaks, we distinguish the pin oak, among bears, grizzly bears.
11. Quietly he walked towards her, past her, and on towards the heavy oak door. The key twisted in the lock, the shutters closed silently over the windows.
12. The mixture is then combined with water and sugar and placed in oak barrels for two months.
13. The book, which I bought second-hand, is made of oak.
14. This is one of the greatest monuments of this period. The boat is made from a single trunk of oak with the help of stone axes (their traces are well seen on its bottom).
15. At the station in Seattle I had inexplicably opted to sit in ordinary plastic seats rather than sets of regal, oak-carved benches.
16. The floor is solid oak.
17. The 10-piece set features a raised and gilded oak leaf border with acorns and the national symbols of the daffodil, rose and thistle on a pale blue base.
18. So the Nightingale sang to the Oak-tree, and her voice was like water bubbling from a silver jar.
19. Her mother, who had just come down stairs, turned to greet her from the fireplace, where she was kindling barked-oak twigs under the breakfast kettle.
20. Back at her oak roomed upstairs house she says her parents are away and Jim is still not sober.
21. Now they were 20 miles from Brunswick, and the young people took over window seats on the right side, waiting for the approach of the great oak tree.
22. So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods they had and the rings in their ears, and Jacob buried them under the oak at Shechem.
23. So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods they had and the rings in their ears, and Jacob buried them under the oak at Shechem.