

adj. 盲目的;瞎的

adv. 盲目地;看不见地

n. 掩饰,借口;百叶窗

vt. 使失明;使失去理智

n. (Bpnd)人名;(法)布兰;(德、瑞典)布林德















失明的,瞎眼的 unable or without the power to see, unable or failing to see

视而不见的,盲目的 unable or unwilling to recognize or understand sth bad; without thought, judgment, or reason


vt. 使看不见,使瞎 make unable to see

vt. 使失去判断力或理解力 take away power of judgement or understanding


[P]窗帘,百叶窗 roll of cloth or woolen strings that you can pull down to cover a window


blind[ blaind ]


people who have severe visual impairments, considered as a group

"he spent hours reading to the blind"

a hiding place sometimes used by hunters (especially duck hunters)

"he waited impatiently in the blind"

something that keeps things out or hinders sight

"they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet"


something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity

"the holding company was just a blind"



render unable to see

make blind by putting the eyes out

"The criminals were punished and blinded"

make dim by comparison or conceal



unable to see

"a person is blind to the extent that he must devise alternative techniques to do efficiently those things he would do with sight if he had normal vision"


unable or unwilling to perceive or understand

"blind to a lover's faults"; "blind to the consequences of their actions"

not based on reason or evidence

"blind hatred"; "blind faith"





用作形容词 (adj.)


blind advertises不具名广告

blind alley死胡同

blind angle盲角

blind area无信号区

blind axle游轴,侧轴

blind baggage行李车中的行李

blind bud不开花的芽

blind car行李车

blind choice轻率的选择

blind coal无烟煤

blind corner死角

blind competition盲目竞争

blind copy不填数副本

blind date盲目约会

blind ditch暗沟

blind door堵死的门

blind entry失实记录

blind eye瞎眼

blind faith盲目的信仰

blind flying盲目飞行

blind forces盲目的作用力

blind girl双目失明的女孩

blind god恋爱之神

blind guess瞎猜

blind hole不通孔

blind home盲人收容所

blind house盲人院

blind joint无间隙接头

blind landing盲目着陆

blind man盲人

blind nail暗钉

blind navigation仪表导航

blind question莫名其妙的问题

blind school盲人学校

blind shell死弹,失效弹

blind side弱点,死角

blind spot盲点

blind street死胡同

blind tiger非法卖酒处

blind tillage出苗前的耕作

blind wall无窗墙

blind window假窗,百叶窗

blind writings难以理解的作品

blind zone盲区


colour blind色盲

snow blind雪盲

word blind文盲


completely blind双目失明的

half blind半瞎

legally blind法盲

nearly blind几乎全瞎

totally blind全盲的,双目失明

utterly blind全盲的,双目失明的


blind in an eye一目失明

blind in the right eye右眼失明

blind of one eye一只眼瞎了

blind to对于…一无所知

blind to danger看不到危险性

blind to fine arts对美术缺乏鉴赏力

blind to one's own defects看不见自己的缺点

blind to one's own faults无视自己的缺点

blind to one's own shortcoming看不到自己的缺点

blind to the consequences of one's actions无视自己行动的后果

blind to the world烂醉

blind with被…弄得眼睛花

blind with anger气昏了

blind with devotion被盲目的虔诚所迷惑

blind with fury气得双目失明

blind with love被爱情迷惑了

blind with rage因发怒而失去理智

blind with tears泪水遮眼

blind with weeping哭糊涂了

用作动词 (v.)


blind faults看不到缺点

blind leaves看不到树叶

blind stars看不到星星


blind by the lust for gain利令智昏

blind by the smoke因冒烟而看不见

blind in the war在战争中双目失明

blind of one eye意外弄瞎了一只眼睛

blind to one's faults对某人的错误视而不见

blind to the fact使人看不到事实

blind to the realities看不清现实情况

blind with the lust for gain利令智昏

blind with passion因愤怒而辨不清是非

用作名词 (n.)


adjust the blind调整窗帘

draw down the blind放下百叶窗

draw up the blind卷起窗帘

let down the blind拉下百叶窗

lower the blind放下窗帘

pull the blind拉起百叶窗

pull down the blind拉下窗帘

raise the blind卷起窗帘


rolling blind可卷起的百叶窗

Venetian blind软百叶窗


wood blind木制百叶窗


blind date n. 从未见面的男女经第三者安排所作的约会

blind eye视而不见;[科]不育芽眼

blind spot(视网膜上的)盲点;(驾驶车辆等视力以外的)盲区;偏见;无知

blind area盲区;静区;封闭地块;阴影区

blind alley死胡同;没有前途的职业

turn a blind eye对…故意视而不见;对…假装不见

blind in封堵

blind faith盲目信仰,迷信

on the blind [主新西兰英语] , ◎(牧羊犬)在(牧羊人)看不见的地方(工作) , ◎在没有先见(或预先不知)的情况下行事

blind hole盲孔;闷眼;不通孔

double blind双盲

color blind色盲

window blind 遮光帘;百叶窗(等于window shade)

venetian blind n. 软百叶帘

blind rivet盲孔铆钉;空心铆钉

blind as a bat [口语] 近乎全盲的;视力很差的,眼力不行的;鼠目寸光的;完全看不见东西的

blind side没有防范的一面;弱点

go blind失明;瞎眼

blind love盲目的爱

go on a blind[俚语]狂饮狂闹一番,喝闹酒



Love is blind and sometimes deaf.

She wants it so much that she became so stupid and blind.

There's none so blind as those who won't see.

Without his spectacles, he is as blind as a bat.

She was blind to the silent worship in his eyes.


The soldier was blinded in battle.

Staring at an eclipse can blind you.

Your pride cannot blind God!

By this time Felice's tears began to blind her.

Falling in love can blind us to an extent.


Most parents have a blind spot for their children.

Many elderly people give their money to crooks in blind faith.


Something,such as a window shade or a Venetian blind,that hinders vision or shuts out light.

The extract takes room air through the light shelf and lower window venetian blind cavity via the clerestory glazing plenum.


Blind Signatures for Untraceable Payments

Blind Beamforming for non Gaussian Signals

Blind separation of sources, Part 1: an adaptive algorithm based on neuromimetic architecture

Analysis of fMRI data by blind separation into independent spatial components.

Clozapine for the treatment-resistant schizophrenic. A double-blind comparison with chlorpromazine

Efficacy of fluvoxamine in obsessive-compulsive disorder. A double-blind comparison with placebo.

Randomised double-blind comparison of placebo and active treatment for older patients with isolated systolic hypertension. The Systo...

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II study comparing the tolerability and efficacy of ipilimumab administered wi...

Multinational, double-blind, phase III study of prednisone and either satraplatin or placebo in patients with castrate-refractory pr...

The efficacy of azidothymidine (AZT) in the treatment of patients with AIDS and AIDS-related complex. A double-blind, placebo-contro...




blind: [OE] The connotations of the ultimate ancestor of blind, Indo-European *bhlendhos, seem to have been not so much ‘sightlessness’ as ‘confusion’ and ‘obscurity’. The notion of someone wandering around in actual or mental darkness, not knowing where to go, naturally progressed to the ‘inability to see’. Related words that fit this pattern are blunder, possibly from Old Norse blunda ‘shut one’s eyes’, blunt, and maybe also blend.By the time the word entered Old English, as blind, it already meant ‘sightless’, but ancestral associations of darkness and obscurity were retained (Pepys in his diary, for instance, writes of a ‘little blind [that is, dark] bed-chamber’ 1666), and traces of them remain in such usages as ‘blind entrance’.=> blend, blunder, blunt

blind (adj.)

Old English blind "blind," also "dark, enveloped in darkness, obscure; unintelligent, lacking mental perception," probably from Proto-Germanic *blinda- "blind" (cognates: Dutch and German blind, Old Norse blindr, Gothic blinds "blind"), perhaps, via notion of "to make cloudy, deceive," from an extended Germanic form of the PIE root *bhel- (1) "to shine, flash, burn" (see bleach (v.)). Compare Lithuanian blendzas "blind," blesti "to become dark." The original sense would be not "sightless" but rather "confused," which perhaps underlies such phrases as blind alley (Chaucer's lanes blynde), which is older than the sense of "closed at one end" (1610s).

The twilight, or rather the hour between the time when one can no longer see to read and the lighting of the candles, is commonly called blindman's holiday. [Grose, 1796]

In reference to doing something without seeing it first, by 1840. Of aviators flying without instruments or without clear observation, from 1919. Related: Blinded; blinding. Blindman's bluff is from 1580s.

blind (v.)

"deprive of sight," early 13c., from Old English blendan "to blind, deprive of sight; deceive," from Proto-Germanic *blandjan (see blind (adj.)); form influenced in Middle English by the adjective. Related: Blinded; blinding.

blind (n.)

"a blind person; blind persons collectively," late Old Engish, from blind (adj.). Meaning "place of concealment" is from 1640s. Meaning "anything that obstructs sight" is from 1702.



1. the blind leading the blind

瞎子给瞎子引路; 外行指导外行; 问道于盲

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例

2. Many elderly people give their money to crooks in blind faith.

(blind faith:盲目地相信)

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

3. grammar; fulfilling the grammatical role of one of its constituents--as three blind mice--which serves

语法;实现某个组成成分的语法角色,例如用作名词的“three blind mice(三只瞎老鼠)”。

-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考

4. Three blind mice, three blind mice!


-- 来源 -- 小学英语(六年级上学期适用) - UNIT 2 ANIMALS AND SCIENCE LESSON 12

5. Hitoshi is going on a blind date tonight.

(blind date:从未晤面的男女经第三者安排所作的约会,即 a date between two persons who have not previously met)

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

6. Blind person;the Blind


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 汉英

7. Hitoshi is going on a blind date to an style="color:#C03">night an>.

(blind date:从未晤面的男女经第三者安排所作的约会,即 a date between two persons who have not previously met)

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

8. 9 [和合]你们等候惊奇吧!你们宴乐昏迷吧!他们10醉了,却非因11酒;他们东倒西歪,却非因浓酒。

NIV] Be stunned and amazed, blind yourselves and be sightless; be drunk, but not from wine, stagger,

-- 来源 --

9. Hitoshi is going on a an style="color:#C03">blind an> date tonight.

( an style="color:#C03">blind an> date:从未晤面的男女经第三者安排所作的约会,即 a date between two persons who have not previously

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

10. a blind attempt; a blind purchase.


-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考