chain stores

chain stores词义



连锁商店( chain store的名词复数 );


chain store of a chain of retail stores under the same management and selling the same merchandise

chain stores用法



Deregulation of Shopping Hours: The Impact on Independent Retailers and Chain Stores

Effects of trusting and being trusted on team citizenship behaviours in chain stores

Salespersons' service quality and customer loyalty in fashion chain stores: A study in Hong Kong retail stores

Salespersons' service quality and customer loyalty in fashion chain stores

Chain stores in America, 1859-1959

The impact of manager promotion programs on store performance: evidence from 3C chain stores in Taiwan

Study on the Layout and Position Simulation of Retail Chain-Stores in a Regional Market Based on Cellular Automata

Chain Stores in America, 1859-1962

Analysis on Logistics System Function & Construction Strategy for Chain Stores

Relations between Service Quality and Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Investigation of Retail Chain Stores in Emerging Markets