chain stores
chain stores词义
连锁商店( chain store的名词复数 );
chain store of a chain of retail stores under the same management and selling the same merchandise
chain stores用法
Deregulation of Shopping Hours: The Impact on Independent Retailers and Chain StoresEffects of trusting and being trusted on team citizenship behaviours in chain stores
Salespersons' service quality and customer loyalty in fashion chain stores: A study in Hong Kong retail stores
Salespersons' service quality and customer loyalty in fashion chain stores
Chain stores in America, 1859-1959
The impact of manager promotion programs on store performance: evidence from 3C chain stores in Taiwan
Study on the Layout and Position Simulation of Retail Chain-Stores in a Regional Market Based on Cellular Automata
Chain Stores in America, 1859-1962
Analysis on Logistics System Function & Construction Strategy for Chain Stores
Relations between Service Quality and Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Investigation of Retail Chain Stores in Emerging Markets