Soluble Adenylyl Cyclase as an Evolutionarily Conserved Bicarbonate SensorComplexity and diversity of mammalian adenylyl cyclases
Type-specific regulation of adenylyl cyclase by G protein beta gamma subunits.
Differential regulation of PI hydrolysis and adenylyl cyclase by muscarinic receptor subtypes
Crystal structure of the catalytic domains of adenylyl cyclase in a complex with Gsalpha.GTPgammaS
Purification of a RAS-responsive adenylyl cyclase complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by use of an epitope addition method.
Regulation of Glutamine Synthetase, VII. Adenylyl Glutamine Synthetase: A New Form of the Enzyme with Altered Regulatory and Kinetic...
Quantitative analysis of mutually competitive binding of human Raf-1 and yeast adenylyl cyclase to Ras proteins.
GTPase inhibiting mutations activate the |[alpha]| chain of Gs and stimulate adenylyl cyclase in human pituitary tumours
Estrogen action via the G protein-coupled receptor, GPR30: stimulation of adenylyl cyclase and cAMP-mediated attenuation of the epid...