tail away
tail away词义
tail away用法
Wanda Witch decides to run away and take her precious pet with her, but then Cat-a-bogus casts a special spell to make Wanda Witch's dragon small again.
This technique allows our stops to move away quickly during periods of high volatility without the risk of being unnecessarily whipsawed during brief periods of low volatility.
The sounds fainted away in the distance.
Real echoes usually fade away before they become that distorted, but you can see how it works with an artificial echo on two recorders.
Theory of the runaway electron tailSpontaneous synchrotron emission from a plasma with an energetic runaway electron tail
Spontaneous Emission near the Electron Plasma Frequency in a Plasma with a Runaway Electron Tail
Numerical characterization of bump formation in the runaway electron tail
Pull tight seal or cable tie with break-away tail
Bump formation in the runaway electron tail
Non-monotonic features in the runaway electron tail
1380: Sperm Tail Flexibility Test: Away to Select Viable Immobile Spermatozoa for ICSI
Fokker-planck simulation study of hot-tail effect on runaway electron generation in ITER disruptions
Canterbury Tail Away to Keep Bournville Alive; Simon Organ Scored Twice for Cannock as They Kept Alive Their Slim Chances of Finishi...