make good time
make good time词义
make good time用法
That fast taxi driver was able to get us here in good time.
He set the whip to his horse to make it go faster.
The coachman sent his horses along at a good rate.
Learning to Make Good Predictions in Time SeriesHow to Make Good Decisions and Be Right All the Time: Solving the Riddle of Right and Wrong
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: National Security and Terrorism - Time to Fence in Our Southern Border
The Four Freedoms: Good Neighbors Make Good Law and Good Policy in a Time of Insecurity
Preterm Labor and Preeclampsia: Time to Make Good News
"It's time to make a good agency better": the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997 and the First Amendment.
Tracking in real time the blood products transportations to make good decisions
Kurdistan: Time to make good on a 95-year old promise
[Further training and working time laws: how to make good specialists in orthopedics]
How to Win in a Financial Crisis: When Is a Good Time to Make Strategic Advances? during a Crisis, of Course