be irrelevant to

英式音标[bi: ɪˈreləvənt tu:] 朗读怎么读

美式音标[bi ɪˈrɛləvənt tu] 朗读怎么读

词汇归类 自考英语二自学教程词汇-自考英语二00015 大学英语自学教程下册

be irrelevant to词义




be irrelevant to用法



Your remark is not pertinent to the subject.


Paradox of Bcl-2 (and p53): why may apoptosis-regulating proteins be irrelevant to cell death?

On the irrelevance of phonological similarity to the irrelevant speech effect.

Extremophiles may be irrelevant to the origin of life

Warning readers to avoid irrelevant information: When being vague might be valuable

Antigen specificity can be irrelevant to immunocytokine efficacy and biodistribution

Increased attention to the irrelevant dimension increases interference in a spatial Stroop task.

Don't be afraid of irrelevant words: the emotional Stroop effect is confined to attended words.

ESTABLISHMENT GEOGRAPHY: or how to be irrelevant in three easy lessons

Illicit Transport via Dipeptide Transporter Dpp is Irrelevant to the Efficacy of Negamycin in Mouse Thigh Models of Escherichia coli...

How many organs need to be involved to diagnose sarcoidosis?: An unanswered question that, hopefully, will become irrelevant.