Remote Access Computing System 遥控存取计算系统;
The Rax is a mountain range at the border of the Austrian federal provinces Lower Austria and Styria, situated in the Northern Limestone Alps.
rax, Hes1, and notch1 promote the formation of Müller glia by postnatal retinal progenitor cells.RAX, a cellular activator for double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase during stress signaling
RAX, the PKR activator, sensitizes cells to inflammatory cytokines, serum withdrawal, chemotherapy, and viral infection
Identification of chick rax / rx genes with overlapping patterns of expression during early eye and brain development
An essential role for RAX homeoprotein and NOTCH-HES signaling in Otx2 expression in embryonic retinal photoreceptor cell fate deter...
Ito T, Yang M, May WS.. RAX, a cellular activator for double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase during stress signaling. J Biol C...
The eyeless mouse mutation (ey1) removes an alternative start codon from the Rx/rax homeobox gene.
Ceramide regulates protein synthesis by a novel mechanism involving the cellular PKR activator RAX
Specification of the retinal fate of mouse embryonic stem cells by ectopic expression of Rx/rax, a homeobox gene
Calcium controls gene expression via three distinct pathways that can function independently of the rax/MAP jinases (ERKs) signallin...