英式音标:[ˈəʊpnɪŋ] 怎么读
美式音标:[ˈoʊpnɪŋ] 怎么读
词汇归类 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 这个杀手不太冷-LéonThe-Professional 英语单词词频20000之1-6000 现当代英语6000高频词汇 机械工程实用英语分类词汇精选 跟伍嘉成一起背单词
同义词: whack unwrapping threshold thoroughfare starting start squeak setout routeway preliminary passage outset origination opportunity onset occasion leadoff kickoff iter initiation
n. 开始;机会;通路;空缺的职位
adj. 开始的
v. 开放(open的ing形式);打开;公开
(打)开( open的现在分词);开始;睁开;启动
n.(名词)[C]开幕; 开张; 开端 the act of becoming or making open, especially officially
[C]洞,缺口 a hole or clear space
[C]空缺,缺额 an unfilled job position
adj.(形容词)[A]首次的,开始的 first; beginning
opening[ 'əupəniŋ ]
an open or empty space in or between things
"there was a small opening between the trees"
a ceremony accompanying the start of some enterprise
becoming open or being made open
"the opening of his arms was the sign I was waiting for"
the first performance (as of a theatrical production)
"the opening received good critical reviews"
同义词:opening nightcurtain raising
the act of opening something
"the ray of light revealed his cautious opening of the door"
opportunity especially for employment or promotion
"there is an opening in the sales department"
the initial part of the introduction
"the opening established the basic theme"
a possible alternative
同义词:possibilitypossible action
an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity
a vacant or unobstructed space that is man-made
"they left a small opening for the cat at the bottom of the door"
an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a ship
a recognized sequence of moves at the beginning of a game of chess
"he memorized all the important chess openings"
同义词:chess opening
the first of a series of actions
同义词:first stepinitiativeopening move
adj.first or beginning
"the memorable opening bars of Beethoven's Fifth"; "the play's opening scene"
用作名词 (n.)
celebrate the opening庆祝开幕
mark the opening标志开始
offer an opening提供机会
grand opening盛大的开幕
job opening工作〔就业〕机会
opening at…地方有空缺
opening for…职位的空缺
opening in the hedge树篱上的孔
opening of a supermarket超级市场的开张
opening of the college year学年开始时
用作形容词 (adj.)
opening ceremony开幕典礼
opening remarks〔statement〕开场白
opening speech开幕词
opening time(营业)开始时间,开放时间
opening up开放,扩大开放;疏通,打通;开发矿山
opening ceremony开学典礼;开幕式;开幕仪式;开幕典礼
at the opening开盘价;按开市价盘;开盘指令;开盘委托
opening day开幕日;开放日
grand opening n. 盛大献映
opening hours(图书馆)开放时间;(书店)营业时间
valve opening阀门开度
opening bank开证银行
opening time营业时间
opening night首场演出;首演之夜
opening price[经]开盘
opening remarks开场白
opening speech开幕致辞
opening an account开户;开立账户
door opening门洞;门孔;箱门尺寸
gate opening闸门开启高度;导叶开度
bid opening开标
opening angle开度角;孔径角;张角
opening rate开盘汇率;开盘价
opening session开幕式;开幕会议
He scraped through the narrow opening.
He put a gate across the opening in the fence.
The book's opening is dull, but the last chapters are interesting.
The establishment of the new China marks the opening of a new age.
Receptiveness was regarded as the time between flower opening and closure.
The opening of the exhibition has been postponed.
There's an opening for a plumber.
I'm trying to apply for an opening in an advertising firm.
His opening remarks are applauded by the audience.
Opening up ClosingsKv1.3: the perfect opening of the platelet voltage gate
Controlled ring-opening polymerization of lactide and glycolide
Substrate-induced bandgap opening in epitaxial graphene
A simple chemical method of opening and filling carbon nanotubes
Nuclear receptors and lipid physiology: opening the X-files.
Mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening during myocardial reperfusion—a target for cardioprotection
Inhibiting mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening: a new paradigm for myocardial preconditioning?
Inhibiting mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening at reperfusion protects against ischaemia–reperfusion injury
Isolation of a Mouse Submaxillary Gland Protein Accelerating Incisor Eruption and Eyelid Opening in the New-born Animal
opening (n.)
Old English openung "act of opening" (a door, mouth, etc.), "disclosure, manifestation," verbal noun from present participle of open (v.). Meaning "vacant space, hole, aperture, doorway" is attested from c. 1200. Meaning "act of opening (a place, to the public)" is from late 14c. Sense of "action of beginning (something)" is from 1712; meaning "first performance of a play" is 1855; "start of an art exhibit" is from 1905. Sense of "opportunity, chance" is from 1793.
1. This is a very handy tool for opening cans.
2. Disconnect the power source from the computer before opening the back.
3. Our headmaster rattled on for at least two hours at the opening ceremony.
4. Kindly oblige me by opening the door.
5. View these files in the source editor by opening them from the modules view.
6. I hope the opening will continue in other realms of Chinese life as well.
7. These myths go above and beyond walking under ladders and opening umbrellas inside (although those are adhered to as well!
8. You can do a quick test to confirm this in any database by opening a view and then pressing the down arrow.
9. As you know, this portal of 11-11-11 –yes, of course it is an energetic portal, it is an opening throughout the Universe —but it is also a very important portal for the human collective.
如你所知的,11-11-11这是一个入口-是的,当然,这是一个充满活力的入口,它在宇宙当中始终开放着 —并且它也是人类集体的一个非常重要的入口。
10. You can examine some test cases by opening them on your device.
您可以通过在您的设备上打开它们来查看一些 测试案例。
11. The Files view contains all of the functions you need for managing files and opening them for translation.
12. This could involve either opening up your new systems to other applications or implementing other system interfaces to interact with it.
13. He settled on both containers at first in a sign of hesitation before opening the box with the Spanish flag.
14. These myths go above and beyond walking under ladders and opening umbrellas inside (although those are adhered to as well!); these are specifically for those working in the arts.
15. For instance, in any directory, opening . (dot) opens the directory itself; that’s what’s meant by the arrow starting at . pointing to the directory.
16. However, you can set it up in Integration Edition by opening the server configuration to edit the configuration file.
17. The last thing you want when you lose your luggage is knowing that where ever it is, whom ever is opening it (and they will), has access to everything about you.
18. If all goes well, Frankenstein will not be the best metaphor for synthetic biologists; they may be more like Pandora opening her box –but releasing the hope without the woe.
19. The opening element shows what triggered the collection in this case: an allocation failure.
开始的 元素展示了在此案例中触发收集的事件:一个分配失败。
20. Each tag in the document, opening and closing, is represented by an arrow-like icon that contains the tag name.
21. In this new era, opening markets around the globe will promote global competition and innovation and will be crucial to our prosperity.
22. Opening just one box, and without looking inside, you take out one piece of fruit.
23. This is why you have to rehearse your opening and your closing so much.
24. Perhaps some people grow out of the thrill of opening presents and celebrating the passing of another year, but I never have.
25. That is why we are opening free schools across the country.
26. You can choose to have different applications do the opening and the editing.
27. You can choose to have different applications do the opening and the editing.
28. While it’s not the most common of tasks, we certainly want to allow a user to discard all the changes she has made after opening or creating a document, so this action should be explicitly supported.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
29. Most of us drive so frequently that differentiating between the act of opening the garage door and the act of driving towards the destination is difficult.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
30. Such tasks include opening and closing the garage door, starting the engine, and stopping at traffic lights, in addition to putting oil and gas in the car and performing periodic maintenance.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
31. It is acceptable from an interface perspective to make advanced features something that users must expend a little extra effort to activate, whether that means searching in a menu, opening a dialog, or opening a drawer.
从界面的角度看,用户必须花费一些额外的精力才能调用一些高级的特性是可以接受的。 无论是需要在菜单中寻找,打开对话框,还是打开抽屉。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
32. If the application is more complex and sophisticated, the menu space will be sorely needed, and opening and scrolling through a menu to find the right item may become laborious.
这种习惯用法最好用在具有简单结构的菜单中,如果应用过于复杂和精细,菜单占据的空间将会很大。 打开菜单、在菜单中移动鼠标找相应的条目将会很耗费时间和精力。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
33. Here’s where we see an opening for a new approach to modeless interactivity. Toolbars are modeless, but they don’t introduce the conundrums that modeless dialogs do.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
34. But the worst is yet to come: Users had to put every window away individually, in the reverse order of opening them.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
35. If you want to copy a cell from one spreadsheet and paste it to another, opening and closing both spreadsheets, in turn, is very tedious.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
36. A usability study, by opening another window on the user’s mind, allows designers to see how their verbal, visual, and behavioral messages are received, and to learn what users intend when interacting with the designed affordances.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
37. Voice activation is perfect for placing a call; opening the flip lid on a phone is probably the most effective way of answering it (or again using voice activation for hands-free use).
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓