英式音标:[feɪs] 怎么读
美式音标:[fes] 怎么读
词汇归类 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 机器人总动员-WALLE 傲慢与偏见与僵尸-Pride-and-Prejudice-and-Zombies 美剧基础词汇 复仇者联盟2奥创纪元-Avengers-Age-of-Ultron 星际穿越-Interstellar
同义词: surface snoot seeming recognize puss phiz outside open-to mug look kisser guise grant garment facial-features external exteriority countenance agree accept
n. 脸;表面;面子;面容;外观;威信
vi. 向;朝
vt. 面对;面向;承认;抹盖
n. (Face)人名;(法)法斯;(意)法切
vt.& vi.
n.(名词)[C]脸,面孔 the front part of the head from the chin to the forehead and hair
[C]面容,面部表情 a look or expression on the face
[C][U]表面,面貌 the front, outer, or most important surface of sth
[U]面子,威严 a state of being respected by others
v.(动词)vt. & vi. 面对,面向 … turn, stand in the direction
vt. 面临 … be in a position in which one must deal with
vt. & vi. 正视,承认 meet or oppose firmly and not try to avoid
face[ feis ]
the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear
"he washed his face"; "I wish I had seen the look on his face when he got the news"
同义词:human face
the feelings expressed on a person's face
"an angry face"
同义词:expressionlookaspectfacial expression
the general outward appearance of something
"the face of the city is changing"
the striking or working surface of an implement
a part of a person that is used to refer to a person
"he looked out at a roomful of faces"; "when he returned to work he met many new faces"
a surface forming part of the outside of an object
"dew dripped from the face of the leaf"
the part of an animal corresponding to the human face
the side upon which the use of a thing depends (usually the most prominent surface of an object)
"he dealt the cards face down"
a contorted facial expression
a specific size and style of type within a type family
status in the eyes of others
"he lost face"
impudent aggressiveness
a vertical surface of a building or cliff
deal with (something unpleasant) head on
"He faced the terrible consequences of his mistakes"
同义词:confrontface up
oppose, as in hostility or a competition
"Jackson faced Smith in the boxing ring"
be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to
"The building faces the park"
be opposite
"the two sofas face each other"
turn so as to face; turn the face in a certain direction
"Turn and face your partner now"
present somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticize
"He was faced with all the evidence and could no longer deny his actions"; "An enormous dilemma faces us"
turn so as to expose the face
"face a playing card"
line the edge (of a garment) with a different material
"face the lapels of the jacket"
cover the front or surface of
"The building was faced with beautiful stones"
用作名词 (n.)
accept the face of偏袒,偏爱
bury one's face in one's hands用两手捂住脸
cover one's face掩面,捂脸
have the face有脸,有面子
hide one's face把脸藏起来,低头不理睬
keep a straight face板着面孔,不露笑脸
look sb in the face直视某人的脸
lose face丢脸,丢面子
make a face at sb对某人做鬼脸
meet face to face面对面,碰面
press face against把脸贴在…上
pull a long face脸色难看,愁眉苦脸,拉长脸
put a good face on sth装饰某物,对某事持乐观态度
put on a new face面目一新,改观
recognize sb's face认出某人的面孔
remember sb's face记得某人的面容
save one's face保全脸面,挽回面子
see face to碰面
set one's face against sth坚决反对某事,抵制某事
show one's face露面
take on a new face面貌一新
turn one's face away把脸转过去
wash one's face洗脸
wear a long face脸色难看,愁眉苦脸,拉长脸
angry face愤怒的面孔,生气的面孔
beautiful face美丽的脸庞
broad face宽脸
brown face黝黑的脸
clean face干净的脸面
cold face冰冷的面孔
dirty face脏脸
empty face毫无表情的面孔
fair face漂亮的容貌
handsome face英俊的脸庞
happy face幸福的面容
honest face诚实的面容
kind face慈祥的面容
long face不高兴的脸,愁容
made-up face化了妆的脸
masked face带着假面具的脸
open face坦率的面容
pale face苍白的脸色
pretty face漂亮的脸
proud face傲慢的面孔〔表情〕
rough face粗糙的脸皮〔表面〕
round face圆脸
sad face忧愁的面容
serious face严肃的面孔
smiling face笑脸
smooth face没有胡子的脸,白净的脸
sweaty face汗流满面
sweet face可爱的脸
thin face清瘦的面孔
tired face疲倦的面容
troubled face愁容
ugly face难看的脸,丑陋的面容
unhealthy face病态的脸
wasted face消瘦的面容
wooden face毫无表情的脸
face cream润肤香脂
face powder润肤粉
before sb's face当着某人的面
in one's face在前面(面前),不顾,面临
in the face of the world公然
on the face of it表面看来
on the face of the earth在地球上
over the face满面
to sb's face当着某人的面
with a burning face涨红脸地
with a serious face神情严肃地
face of affairs局面
用作动词 (v.)
face a grave economic crisis面临严重的经济危机
face a most impressive scene面对一片令人惊叹的景色
face a serious shortage of food面临粮食缺得很厉害的情况
face arduous struggles面对艰苦的斗争
face both death and torture面对死亡和酷刑
face people见人
face the Atlantic on the east东临大西洋
face the consequences承担后果
face the door面对门
face the music承担后果
face the Pacific on the west西临太平洋
face the possibility of an early death面临可能早逝的可能性
face the responsibility正视责任
face the river面对河
face the sea面向大海
face the street面对大街
face the task面临任务
face the top of the hill面对山顶
face the urgent problems面临紧迫问题
face these difficulties squarely正视困难
face unprecedented difficulties碰到了前所未有的困难
face accidentally偶然地面对
face amicably友好地面对
face artfully狡猾地面对
face assiduously持之以恒地面对
face benignly仁慈地面对
face blindly盲目地面对
face bravely勇敢地面对
face cautiously谨慎地面对
face challengingly具有挑战性地面对
face cheerfully愉快地面对
face complacently自鸣得意地面对
face completely完全地面对
face contemptuously傲慢地面对
face cordially真心实意地面对
face decisively果断地面对
face delightfully愉快地面对
face diffidently胆怯地面对
face dramatically戏剧性地面对
face eagerly热切地面对
face elatedly兴高采烈地面对
face enthusiastically热情地面对
face eventually最终面对
face foolishly愚蠢地面对
face formally正式地面对
face frankly真诚地面对
face generally普遍地面对
face generously慷慨地面对
face glibly圆滑地面对
face handsomely大方地面对
face harmoniously和谐地面对
face hastily仓促地面对
face haughtily傲慢地面对
face heroically英勇地面对
face incautiously轻易地面对
face indignantly愤慨地面对
face insidiously不知不觉地面对
face intelligently聪明地面对
face laboriously艰难地面对
face listlessly无精打采地面对
face mistakenly错误地面对
face mutually一致面对
face pacifically平和地面对
face peacefully平静地面对
face philosophically冷静地面对
face pleasantly愉快地面对
face precipitately鲁莽地面对
face probably适当地面对
face publicly公开地面对
face readily欣然地面对
face reasonably明智地面对
face recklessly轻率地面对
face reluctantly不情愿地面对
face resolutely坚决地面对
face seriously严肃地面对
face simultaneously暂时地面对
face sincerely诚恳地面对
face skilfully巧妙地面对
face superficially表面上地面对
face unexpectedly出乎意外地面对
face unhappily不愉快地面对
face utterly完全地面对
face viciously恶意地面对
face violently粗暴地面对
face about向后转,突然改变主意
face away把脸转到一边
face down朝下看
face out勇敢地应对
face round转动
face on to俯视
face onto面对
face to面对
face towards面对
face up to勇敢地对付
face with用…覆盖
the face of即使;在…面前
in the face面对;当面
face to face面对面
in the face of面对
your face你的脸;你的样子
face with面对;面临
working face工作面;施工面;回采工祖
in face事实上;实际上
face up面朝上,正面朝上
face the music勇敢地面对困难;接受应得的惩罚
coal face n. 煤的采掘现场;因开采而露出的煤面
in face of面对…,不顾…;纵然
lose face丢脸
let's face it面对现实吧
on the face of从…字面上看;从…外表上判断
in your face过度耀眼的;咄咄逼人的
smiling face笑脸,笑颜;微笑的脸
face value面值,票面价值;表面价值
pretty face漂亮脸蛋
full face全断面的;正面照片
face, encounter, meet, contact, confront这组词都有“遇见,会见,碰见”的意思,其区别是:
face, confront这组词都有“面对”的意思,其区别是:
look, face, aspect, appearance这组词都有“外表,容貌”的意思,其区别是:
A cut diamond has many faces.
They disappeared from the face of the earth.
The clowns pulled funny faces.
The sun was shining in our faces.
Her face lit up when she saw he was coming.
She had a face like thunder.
Her exam results were disappointing but she tried to put a brave face on it.
He faced the difficulty with courage.
He must face up to the fact that he is no longer young.
The window faces the street.
I turned my chair round to face the fire.
The building faces north.
Robust real-time face detectionRobust Real-Time Face Detection
Face recognition:A literature survey
Demo: Robust face recognition via sparse representation
The FERET evaluation methodology for face-recognition algorithms
Neural Network-Based Face Detection
From Few to Many: Illumination Cone Models for Face Recognition under Variable Lighting and Pose
Two-Dimensional PCA: A New Approach to Appearance-Based Face Representation and Recognition
Face recognition by elastic bunch graph matching
Training Support Vector Machines: an Application to Face Detection
face: [13] The notion that a person’s face ‘is’ their appearance, what they look like to the rest of the world, lies behind the word face. It probably comes from a prehistoric base *fac-, signifying ‘appear’. This gave rise to Latin faciēs, which originally meant ‘appearance, aspect, form’, and only secondarily, by figurative extension, ‘face’. In due course it passed via Vulgar Latin *facia into Old French as face, from which English acquired it (French, incidentally, dropped the sense ‘face’ in the 17th century, although the word face is retained for ‘front, aspect’, etc).Related forms in English include facade [17], facet [17] (originally a diminutive), superficial and surface.=> facade, facet, superficial, surface
face (n.)
c. 1300, "the human face, a face; facial appearance or expression; likeness, image," from Old French face "face, countenance, look, appearance" (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *facia (source also of Italian faccia), from Latin facies "appearance, form, figure," and secondarily "visage, countenance," which probably is literally "form imposed on something" and related to facere "to make" (see factitious). Replaced Old English andwlita "face, countenance" (from root of wlitan "to see, look") and ansyn, ansien, the usual word (from the root of seon "see"). Words for "face" in Indo-European commonly are based on the notion of "appearance, look," and are mostly derivatives from verbs for "to see, look" (as with the Old English words, Greek prosopon, literally "toward-look," Lithuanian veidas, from root *weid- "to see," etc.). But in some cases, as here, the word for "face" means "form, shape." In French, the use of face for "front of the head" was given up 17c. and replaced by visage (older vis), from Latin visus "sight." From late 14c. as "outward appearance (as contrasted to some other reality);" also from late 14c. as "forward part or front of anything;" also "surface (of the earth or sea), extent (of a city)." Typographical sense of "part of the type which forms the letter" is from 1680s.
Whan she cometh hoom, she raumpeth in my face And crieth 'false coward.' [Chaucer, "Monk's Tale"]
Face to face is from mid-14c. Face time is attested from 1990. To lose face (1876), is said to be from Chinese tu lien; hence also save face (1915). To show (one's) face "make or put in an appearance" is from mid-14c. (shewen the face). To make a face "change the appearance of the face in disgust, mockery, etc." is from 1560s. Two faces under one hood as a figure of duplicity is attested from mid-15c.Two fases in a hode is neuer to tryst. ["Awake lordes," 1460]
face (v.)
"confront with assurance; show a bold face," mid-15c., from face (n.). From c. 1400 as "deface, disfigure." Meaning "to cover with something in front" is from 1560s; that of "turn the face toward" is from 1630s; meaning "be on the opposite page to" is from 1766. Intransitive sense "to turn the face" (especially in military tactics) is from 1630s. Related: Faced; facing. To face the music (1850, in U.S. Congressional debates) probably is theatrical rather than a reference to cavalry horses.
1. He kissed all my face power off.
2. His face scowled at once.
3. You should spunk up and face the facts.
4. She dripped some water on his face.
5. Sweat was dripping from his face.
6. Flyovers have changed the face of the city.
7. Sweat poured down from her face.
8. He busted her in the face.
9. They bashed her face in.
10. I saw tears rolling down her face.
11. Hives erupted all over her face and hands.
12. Tears mingled with the blood from the cut on her face.
13. Anger showed in his face.
14. The smile froze on her face.
15. She creams her face every morning.
16. Then his smile settled on his face.
17. He hurtled his empty gun at my face.
18. She poked him in the face.
19. The camera panned from her face to a middleaged man.
20. She flashed a light in his face.
21. Some cold water on his face might bring him to himself.
22. Her face dimpled as she smiled.
23. Get the look on his face!
24. She networked my face with kisses.
25. The commando blackened his face with charcoal.
26. Her face mantled with shame.
27. Wrinkles have overspread her face.
28. The rain whipped her face.
29. The scarf flapped her face.
30. Light struck on his face.
31. This example was presented in the first edition of About Face in 1995, and we wish we could say things have improved.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
32. Putting the icon so boldly in a user’s face when it is almost never needed is a real affront, like pasting an advertisement on the windshield of somebody’s car.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
33. Software (and any digital product that relies on software) has a behavioral face it shows to the world that is created by the programmer or designer.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
34. Likewise, when a product interacts well with a person, interaction mechanics disappear, leaving the person face to face with his objectives, unaware of the intervening software.
类似地,当一个产品和用户交互得很好,交互机制消失了。 让人们和他们的目标面对面,而意识不到软件的介入。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
35. They wrangle and argue over the relative merits of the two methods, although the real answer is staring them in the face: Use both!
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
36. One of the most significant ways in which computers can assist human beings is by putting a simple face on complex processes and situations. As a result, user interfaces that are consistent with users’ mental models are vastly superior to those that are merely reflections of the implementation model.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
37. Interaction designers often face the conundrum of whether to make their products user-customizable.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
38. Most users have no problem understanding the visual affordance. The problem is that the image on the face of the butcon is seldom that clear.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
39. We don’t understand why someone’s face is composed the way it is, but we know that face.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
40. A final reason to separate problem and solution is that such an approach provides the maximum flexibility in the changing face of technological constraints and opportunities.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓