

vi. 落下;变成;来临;减弱

n. 下降;秋天;瀑布

vt. 砍倒;击倒

adj. 秋天的

n. (Fall)人名;(法、芬、瑞典)法尔;(英、匈)福尔;(阿拉伯)法勒











vi. 降落,落下; 摔下,倒下 come down from a higher place, e.g. by losing balance or as a result of gravity

vi. 跌倒 come down from a standing position to a lying position

vi. 降低,减退 come or go to a lower level or point

vi. 倒坍; 沦陷,失守; 被打败,被征服 come to the ground; (of a city etc.) be captured; be defeated

vi. 失势,垮台 lose power or a high position

vi. & link-v. 成为,变为; 进入…状态 become; pass into

vi. (脸色)突然阴沉下来 (of the face) take on a look of sadness, disappointment, shame, etc., especially suddenly

vi. 犯罪,堕落; 怀孕 give way to wrong-doing; be pregnant

vi. 来临; 降临; 下垂; 说出; 属于…的活动范围 come or happen, as if by descending; hang loosely; be spoken; belong to a particular area of activity, responsibility, etc.


[C]跌落,下落,下跌 an act of falling

[C]降落物,降落量 sth that has fallen

[C]下降,降低,减少 a decrease in quantity, price, demand, degree, etc.

[S]掉落的距离,落差 the distance through which anything falls

[S]陷落; 垮台; 灭亡; 没落 the defeat or loss of power of a city, state, government, etc.

[S]堕落,沦落 a change from a life of goodness, honesty, etc. to one of immorality

[P]瀑布 a place where a river makes a sudden deep over; waterfall



fall[ fɔ:l ]


the season when the leaves fall from the trees

"in the fall of 1973"


a sudden drop from an upright position


the lapse of mankind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and Eve

a downward slope or bend


a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity

"a fall from virtue"

a sudden decline in strength or number or importance

"the fall of the House of Hapsburg"


a movement downward

"the rise and fall of the tides"

the act of surrendering (under agreed conditions)


the time of day immediately following sunset

"they finished before the fall of night"


when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat


a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity


a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity

"when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall"

同义词:dropdipfree fall


descend in free fall under the influence of gravity

move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way

"The barometer is falling"

同义词:descendgo downcome down

pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind

"fall into a trap"; "fall asleep"; "fall prey to an imposter"; "fall into a strange way of thinking"

come under, be classified or included

"fall into a category"


fall from clouds

"rain, snow and sleet were falling"

同义词:precipitatecome down

suffer defeat, failure, or ruin

"We must stand or fall"; "fall by the wayside"

decrease in size, extent, or range

"her weight fall to under a hundred pounds"


die, as in battle or in a hunt

"Several deer have fallen to the same gun"

touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly


be captured

occur at a specified time or place

"Christmas falls on a Monday this year"; "The accent falls on the first syllable"

yield to temptation or sin

lose office or power

to be given by assignment or distribution

move in a specified direction

"The line of men fall forward"

be due

"payments fall on the 1st of the month"

lose one's chastity

"a fallen woman"

to be given by right or inheritance

come into the possession of


fall to somebody by assignment or lot


be inherited by


slope downward

"The hills around here fall towards the ocean"

lose an upright position suddenly

同义词:fall down

drop oneself to a lower or less erect position

fall or flow in a certain way


assume a disappointed or sad expression

be cast down

come out; issue

be born, used chiefly of lambs

begin vigorously

go as if by falling

come as if by falling





用作动词 (v.)


curtain falls落幕

night falls夜幕降临

one's eyes fall垂下眼睛

one's face fall脸色阴沉

prices fall物价下跌

some animals fall幼崽出生

some buildings fall建筑物倒塌

some occasion falls时日来临

some place falls某地沦陷

spirit falls精神萎靡

the land falls土地倾斜


fall abruptly突然减少

fall accidentally偶尔地下降

fall aptly恰当地减少

fall comprehensively全面地减少

fall considerably大大地下降

fall constantly不断地落入

fall deeply大幅度地减少

fall deftly熟练地减少

fall dramatically戏剧性地减少

fall easily不费力气地减少

fall effectively有效地减少

fall essentially必需地减少

fall fast下得很急

fall fearfully可怕地下降

fall finally最终地减少

fall fitly适度地减少

fall fully全面地减少

fall gently轻轻地飘落

fall greatly较大地下降

fall heavily猛跌

fall impatiently急不可耐地减少

fall incessantly持续不断地下降

fall irresistibly不可抗拒地减少

fall logically合理地减少

fall markedly明显地下降

fall naturally自然地减少

fall necessarily必要地减少

fall obviously明显地下降

fall occasionally偶尔地减少

fall principally主要地减少

fall probably可能要垮台

fall promptly迅速地减少

fall quickly降临得很快

fall radically根本性地减少

fall reluctantly不情愿地减少

fall seriously大为减少

fall sharply显著地减少

fall slightly略有减少

fall slowly慢慢地下落

fall softly轻轻地飘落

fall spontaneously自发地减少

fall steeply急速地落下

fall suddenly忽然地落下

fall unnecessarily不必要地下降

fall widely广泛地减少

fall away背离,离开,消失,消瘦,倾斜

fall back后退,后撤,撤退,退让,食言

fall behind落后,拖欠

fall down跌倒,掉下,倒坍,失败

fall in倒塌,下沉,集合,到期

fall off减退,减少

fall out争吵,发生,解散,掉出,掉队,结果是

fall over摔倒,倒在地上,被…绊倒

fall over oneself热衷,渴望

fall through落空,破产,失败,行不通


fall across sb偶然遇到某人

fall among sb与某人结交,遇见某人,落入某人之手

fall away from duty擅离职守

fall away from faith背弃信仰

fall back into the power of重新落入…的操纵下

fall back on撤退到,投靠,轻易依靠,求助于,重提

fall behind in one's study在学习上落后

fall behind with one's rent交不上房租

fall below降到…以下,低于

fall beyond属于…外,在…外

fall down on在…方面失败,未做到

fall down on the examination考试不及格

fall down on the ground跌到地上

fall down the river顺河漂下

fall for被…迷住,被…倾倒,受…的诱惑,受骗,接受,赞同

fall from由…落下,(由…口里)说出

fall from a tree从树上跌下

fall from power垮台

fall from sb's lips从某人口中说出来

fall in battle阵亡

fall in for得到,受到

fall in love with爱上,喜爱

fall in upon意外地遇到,访问

fall in with碰见,同意,和…一致,符合

fall in with sb's desire符合某人的愿望

fall in with sb's proposal赞成某人的提案

fall inside the limits of在…范围内

fall into陷入,变成,分成,开始,产生,养成,注入…中,排(队)

fall into a problem开始讨论问题

fall into sb's hands落入某人之手

fall into the habit养成习惯

fall off从…上摔(掉)下,退出

fall off from sb背弃某人

fall off the chair从椅子上摔下来

fall on〔upon〕落在…上,照射到…上,开始,进攻,适逢

fall on a Sunday适逢星期天

fall on one's face完全失败

fall on the enemy袭击敌人

fall on the government抨击政府

fall out of从…掉下来,(逐渐) 停止,不再,离(队)

fall out of use废弃不用

fall out with sb与某人闹翻

fall to pieces垮台,解体,(墙)垮掉,摔碎

fall to the ground坠落,失败,落空

fall to thinking of开始想起

fall under跌(落)在…下面,归入,属于…(一类),受到…(影响)

fall under class A列为甲级

fall under sb's management归某人管理

fall under sb's notice受到某人注意

fall within属于…(之列),适合

用作名词 (n.)


anticipate fall预料到跌倒

break a fall减弱下降的力量

gain a fall赢一局

get a fall摔了一跤

have a fall跌下来

suffer a fall摔下来

survive a fall跌下来没有丧命

take a fall被打倒

try a fall较量

win a fall赢一局

wrestle a fall举行摔跤决赛


bad fall重重的一跤

big fall大跌价

deadliest fall最严重的跌跤

disastrous fall灾难性的下跌

dying fall垂暮之年

graceful fall美丽的秋天

heavy fall大雪

light fall小雪

sharp fall急剧下降

short fall不大的差距

steady fall稳定地下落

tremendous fall很大的落差

virtuous fall道德的堕落

weary fall消沉的堕落


fall fashion秋天最时髦的式样


at the fall of evening在夜幕降临的时候

in fall在秋季

in the fall of 1941 1941年秋

on the fall在下跌中


a fall from grace失体面

a fall from virtue堕落

a fall in demand需求量下降

a fall in one's income收入减少

the fall of night夜幕的降临

the fall of the hills towards the sea山坡朝海边的倾斜度

the fall of the leave落叶时节,秋季

the rise and fall of the Roman Empire罗马帝国的兴衰


fall in到期;集合;排队;倒塌;与某人在一起

fall in love坠入爱河;爱上某人

fall into落入;分成

fall in love with爱上

fall of坠落

fall down跌倒;失败;倒塌

in the fall在秋天

rise and fall涨落;抑扬

fall off减少;跌落;下降;离开;衰退

fall on落到;指向

fall from从…落下

fall behind拖欠;落在后面

free fall自由下落

fall back退却,后退;[计]回落

fall ill生病

fall for something相信某事

fall for迷恋;信以为真

fall back on退到;求助于;回头再说

fall out发生;脱落;争吵;离队;结果是

fall under受到(影响等);被归入


drop, fall

drop 及物不及物均可, He dropped his voice.

fall 不及物动词 Prices fell/dropped.

drop, fall, sink, descend






fall, descend


fall 指由于重力突然从高处落下或因为失去平衡而跌倒。如:She slipped and fell down.(她滑了一下摔倒了。)

descend 多指沿着斜面而缓慢向下移动。如:He descended the hill.(他下山了。)

fall, collapse




autumn, fall






The knife fell from his nerveless hand.

Apples fall from the tree.

The tree fell with a thunderous crash.

Jobs used to disappear when the snow fell.


Food prices lowered during the fall.

I had a fall (from a horse) and broke my arm.

The falls upstream are full of salmon.


The fall of public man.

Fall-related factors and risk of hip fracture: the EPIDOS prospective study.

Fall risk index for elderly patients based on number of chronic disabilities ☆

Fall prevention with supplement and active forms of vitamine D: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

Hemodynamic determinants of the time-course of fall in canine left ventricular pressure.

Light regimes beneath closed canopies and tree-fall gaps in temperate and tropical forests.

Influential Factor Analysis of Coal Wall Rib Fall at large Mining-height Overhand Working Face

Impact near the hip dominates fracture risk in elderly nursing home residents who fall.

A new method for assessing 24-h blood pressure variability after excluding the contribution of nocturnal blood pressure fall

High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data. IV. Luminosity Function from the Fall Equatorial Stripe ...




fall: [OE] The verb fall comes from prehistoric Germanic *fallan, which also produced German fallen, Dutch vallen, and Swedish falla. The noun is partly a survival of Old English feall, partly a borrowing from the related Old Norse fall, but probably mostly a new formation based on the verb. The sense ‘autumn’, now restricted to American English, originated in the 16th century from an earlier phrase fall of the leaf. (Fell ‘cut down’ is related: etymologically it means ‘cause to fall’.)=> fell

fall (v.)

Old English feallan (class VII strong verb; past tense feoll, past participle feallen) "to drop from a height; fail, decay, die," from Proto-Germanic *fallan (cognates: Old Frisian falla, Old Saxon fallan, Dutch vallen, Old Norse falla, Old High German fallan, German fallen, absent in Gothic). These are from PIE root *pol- "to fall" (cognates: Armenian p'ul "downfall," Lithuanian puola "to fall," Old Prussian aupallai "finds," literally "falls upon"). Meaning "come suddenly to the ground" is from late Old English. Of darkness, night, from c. 1600; of land sloping from 1570s; of prices from 1570s. Of empires, governments, etc., from c. 1200. Of the face or countenance from late 14c. Meaning "to be reduced" (as temperature) is from 1650s. Meaning "die in battle" is from 1570s. Meaning "to pass casually (into some condition)" is from early 13c. To fall in "take place or position" is from 1751. To fall in love is attested from 1520s; to fall asleep is late 14c. To fall down is early 13c. (a-dun follon); to fall behind is from 1856. Fall through "fail, come to nothing" is from 1781. To fall for something is from 1903. To fall out is by mid-13c. in a literal sense; military use is from 1832. Meaning "have a disagreement, begin to quarrel" is attested from 1560s (to fall out with "quarrel with" is from late 15c.).

fall (n.)

c. 1200, "a falling to the ground; a dropping from a height, a descent from a higher to a lower position (as by gravity); a collapsing of a building," from the source of fall (n.). (Old English noun fealle meant "snare, trap.") Meaning "a sinking down, subsidence" Of the coming of night from 1650s. Meaning "downward direction of a surface" is from 1560s, of a value from 1550s. Theological sense, "a succumbing to sin or temptation" (especially of Adam and Eve) is from early 13c. Sense of "autumn" (now only in U.S. but formerly common in England) is by 1660s, short for fall of the leaf (1540s). Meaning "cascade, waterfall" is from 1570s (often plural, falls, when the descent is in stages; fall of water is attested from mid-15c.). Wrestling sense is from 1550s. Of a city under siege, etc., 1580s. Fall guy is from 1906.



1. In the fall, the boys prune the trees.


2. And so do I. I heard the fall of the axe in that sound.


3. I remember we went bike riding together last fall when he visited you.

我记得去年秋天当他来看你的时,我们一起去骑过自行车。 。

4. Yet profits rise and fall for reasons which have nothing to do with managerial effort, such as the health of the economy.


5. Once I air-dry my seeds in the fall, I add a silica packet to each seed container or envelope.


6. So I like fall very much .


7. Some flowers die in the Fall.


8. Most asters bloom in the fall.


9. And now my tears began to fall .


10. What if you fall down?


11. And should you like to fall into that pit…and to burn there forever?


12. No . I eat enough the fall .


13. However, some leaves get new bright colors in the fall.


14. Then you sifted it so all the sand would fall through.


15. Ollin: Finally, would you like to share with my readers all the exciting stuff going on with your fiction this fall, and how they can check it out?


16. This happens often in the fall.


17. These leaves grow in the summer, fall in the autumn, and then are turned back into soil so that more leaves can grow the next spring.


18. Where to fall, climb up from.


19. I hurt myself in the fall.


20. You can fall into this.


21. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.


22. And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.


23. The author will bring out a new book this fall.


24. What if you should fall sick?


25. We did it by recognizing that we rise or we fall together as one nation – one people – all of us vested in one another.


26. Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.


27. If your choice is the end of hell, I would like to accompany you to fall.


28. What if we fall through the ceiling?


29. The play was about the fall of an honest man.


30. The play was about the fall of an honest man.


31. American people use the word "fall" to mean autumn.


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

32. Purging databases, configuring, and making other exceptional requests might fall into this category.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

33. Mathematical thinking is an implementation model trap that is particularly easy for programmers to fall into.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

34. Most direct manipulation interaction idioms fall into one of seven categories:


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

35. Programs often require us to step out of the main flow of tasks to perform functions that should fall immediately to hand.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

36. Kiosks generally fall into two categorical types: transactional and explorational.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

37. They typically fall short when used to examine arbitrary or abstract data presented in more than two dimensions.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

38. Because it doesn’t fall into the traditional view of what Undo is for; programmers generally don’t provide a true Undo function for changing a filename.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

39. The decisions people make tend to fall into two primary categories: important and unimportant.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

40. Development tools often fall into this category, as do scientific instrumentation and medical devices.


-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓