
英式音标[ˈtɪbii:] 怎么读

美式音标['tɪbɪi] 怎么读

同义词 shinbone








Effects of FGF-2 on metaphyseal fracture repair in rabbit tibiae

Increased bone formation in rat tibiae after a single short period of dynamic loading in vivo

Transforming growth factor-β enhances fracture healing in rabbit tibiae

Degradation behaviour and mechanical properties of magnesium implants in rabbit tibiae

Detecting and tracking local changes in the tibiae of individual rats: a novel method to analyse longitudinal in vivo micro-CT data.

Repair of segmental bone defects in rabbit tibiae using a complex of β -tricalcium phosphate, type I collagen, and fibroblast growt...

Non-invasive axial loading of mouse tibiae increases cortical bone formation and modifies trabecular organization: a new model to st...

Droloxifene prevents ovariectomy-induced bone loss in tibiae and femora of aged female rats: a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometric and...

Mechanism of action of estrogen on cancellous bone balance in tibiae of ovariectomized growing rats: inhibition of indices of format...

Comparative differences in the composition and biomechanical properties of tibiae of seven- and seventy-two-week-old male and female...