prey upon
prey upon词义
prey upon用法
As a tiger stalks his prey, they hunted him.
Stronger animals prey upon weaker ones.
Instead, he wants to throw money at social problems and slap more taxes on the rich, and he is using his oratorical powers to prey on people's fears.
What made a father suddenly express the fear of demonic influence upon a young son who until then had been a confessed Christian?
Gasterosteus aculeatus l.A new species of Megaselia (Diptera, Phoridae) whose larvae prey upon the eggs of Leptodactylus fuscus (Anura, Leptodactylidae)
Mosquito Larvae (Culiseta longiareolata) Prey Upon and Compete with Toad Tadpoles (Bufo viridis)
Unexpected Effects of Predators Upon Their Prey: The Case of the American Alligator
Population-level consumption by Atlantic coastal striped bass and the influence of population recovery upon prey communities
Predatory Copepods and Bosmina: Replacement Cycles and Further Influences of Predation Upon Prey Reproduction
Zooplankton feeding ecology: Predation by the marine cyclopoid copepod Corycaeus amazonicus F. Dahl upon natural prey
A new species of (Diptera, Phoridae) whose larvae prey upon the eggs of (Anura, Leptodactylidae)
Chapter 8 – Detection of Protein–Protein Interactions in the Live Cell Plasma Membrane by Quantifying Prey Redistribution upon B...
The influence of eating and rejecting prey items upon feeding and food searching behaviour in Gasterosteus aculeatus L