共 10 条近义词
引火烧身比喻主动表明自己的缺点错误争取群众的批评帮助。英make self-criticism as one who draws a fire against oneself;[查看详情]
自投罗网自己主动钻入对方布下的陷阱中。也指自取祸害自作自受。例凤姐因他自投罗网,少不得再寻别计令他知改。——《红楼梦》英hurl oneself willingly into the net; bite the hook;[查看详情]
玩火自焚玩弄火者自身遭焚。比喻作恶多端的人终无好下场。英whoever plays with fire will perish by fire; he who plays with fire will get burned;[查看详情]
惹火烧身惹:招引。比喻自找麻烦结果害了自己。例生怕惹火烧身连忙把余琳并冯氏,都送将出来。——明东鲁古狂生《醉醒石》英stir a fire and burn oneselfbring trouble upon oneself;[查看详情]
以卵投石用蛋打石头。比喻不自量力自取灭亡。英like an egg knocking itself against a stone; kick against the pricks;[查看详情]
自掘坟墓比喻自己把自己推上绝路。英dig one’s own grave;[查看详情]
作法自毙立法者犯了自己所立的法而为其所害。例怎奈此时官场中人十居其九是吃烟的,哪一个肯建这个政策作法自毙呢?——《二十年目睹之怪现状》英make a law only to fall foul of it oneself; be hoist with or by one’s own petard; get caught in one’s own trap;[查看详情]
飞蛾投火飞蛾扑向灯火比喻自取灭亡。例我已曾着人拿住杨景、焦赞两个正是飞蛾投火,不怕他不死在手里。——《元曲选谢金吾》英a moth darting into a flame; (fig) bringing destruction upon oneself;[查看详情]