
共 24 条词语

  • 众志成城

    zhòng zhì chéng chéng

    众志成城万众一心像坚固的城堡一样不可摧毁。比喻大家团结一致力量就无比强大。英unity is strength; when people are unified with a single will,they are as strong as city walls;[查看详情]

  • 心心相印

    xīn xīn xiāng yìn

    心心相印彼此心意能互相了解。形容彼此的思想感情完全一致。例但心心相印印印相契,使自证知光明受用而已。——唐裴休《圭峰定慧禅师碑》英have mutual affinity; be kindred spirit;[查看详情]

  • 一丘之貉

    yī qiū zhī hé

    一丘之貉同一个山丘上的貉比喻彼此同是丑类没有什么差别。英birds of a feather; nothing to choose between them; jackals from the same lair;[查看详情]

  • 万众一心

    wàn zhòng yī xīn

    万众一心大家抱着一个共同的目标努力合作。例我们万众一心冒着敌人的炮火前进!前进!英millions of people all of one mind;[查看详情]